kohler question

A friend having trouble, will not stay running unless he holds start button down. Let off the button it dies. And is not making electric. First of the season started and ran fine. But it was haunting, first time the gen did that. Power was fluctuating.
Boat Name :
my safety shutdown was cooling/impeller
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I don't specialize in kohler marine gensets and the only efi kohlers i see are the 26hp v twins. All air cooled. Hope this helps.
Good advice from Alswagg: run that genny. I run mine at least an hour a week since I got it running fine. Been great since then.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Running her weekly or even monthly is a terrific idea as stated by the other poster is great premaintance. Hospitals/assisted living and other facilities have back up generators that are test run weekly. In the event of an outage people could literally die.
Pri-G is the best priced stabilizer ive seen. Any lawn mower shop that handles the Rotary line can order it for you for about 40 bucks. This treats 250 gallons of fuel. Msrp may vary by location. For about 12 bucks more any rotary dealer can drop ship it directly to your location(lower 48)
I dont fill up a gas jug or fuel up a boat at home/my shop without it in the fuel tank first. I have a kipor 3500 invetert generator (honda eu3500 knock off) that i start every few months, averaging 2 to 3 times a year . I store her with a topped off fuel tank to prevent water condensation and with stabilizer. I do not take the time to shop for non ethanol fuel. I do this in all my chainsaws as well. I can rebuild a small engine carb in my sleep, id recommend for those who cant to shop for that non ethanol fuel and starting it more frequently. My yamaha 9.9 of 1985 vintage sits chained to the front of my sailboat trailer from October til May each year without running. Knock on wood i have not had to rebuild her carb since i bought her 5 years ago. The stabilizer is doing its job. 6 gallons of fuel in the saiboat can last a year.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Fun times, ran fine for the first 20min of the season 😂
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Also, does anyone know if the brushes are easily accessible while in the engine bay?
I reached out to parts for tech and they sent me a troubleshooting guide to test some readings from the connector to the regulator which should help narrow down a root cause but till then trying to figure out level of effort for anything it could be.
Brushes can be done while the genny is in the boat. I've not done them myself but believe thats pretty straight forward.