The price of working on a boat

Hey guys i wanted to ask how much i should expect to pay for the following work on the engines. Keep in mind i am supplying all the parts. Changing oil and filters, plugs, wires, rotors and caps, iac, impeller and fuel water separator for both motors.
cruising on 6. tw0s
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
@cls10105 : at least this way it's a win win for all of us 😁
Change Impeller - Main Engine - $250 per engine + parts
Oil & Filter Change - Gas Engine - $125 per engine + parts
Change Fuel Filter(s) - Main Engine - $65 per engine + parts
Tune Up - Main Engine - $250 per engine + parts
Tune Up includes: Replace spark plugs (and wires if needed), cap and rotor, clean flame arrestor, check IAC (Idle Air Control) filter, replace if dirty.
As @shawnmjr said, most can be done yourself if you're mechanically inclined, but I'm with @bry1429 where I'm getting too old to crawl around in spaces I can no longer fit. So when I'm lazy and can afford it I pay them and watch. :-)
If the customer purchases his own parts (im not a mercury or volvo dealer) id have no issues installing customer provided parts, some shops have issues installing outsourced parts. But, anyway that would save you money on dealer mark up parts.
I do marine work on the side because i enjoy it. When i need automatic transmission work or machine work done i source someone who does it on the side or is retired. It usually saves me time and money and it's usually someone who does it because they enjoy it. Being that im in the power equipment service industry my networking is pretty good with other shops.
Obviously find references first, make sure they are not a shade tree parts changer.
With all the money you save you can keep the beer fridge stocked for months!!!
Air Power America 5060TS Topsider Multi-Purpose Fluid Removing System