VHF surround

I ordered a new VHF surround because my old one was very faded. The one I received is a slightly darker color and is the only color available from Great Lakes Skipper. Should I live with it or get it wrapped a different solid color? Right now I think I can live with it but not sure if it will bother me down the road. What do you guys think??

2008 330EC
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I dont think youll ever get matching color without replacing it all. Im cheap and would have just vinyl wrapped it all at the same time. I dont think anyone other than an ocd owner/admiral or a picky potential buyer would ever notice.
On another note, I'm surprised at the location of your radio. My main unit is behind a wall, and all that shows is the mic. I wonder if PO replaced yours?
Imagine going to a restaurant, ordering a meal then telling them "i changed my mind and i don't want this anymore" then have one out of every 10 customers do the same.