Does anyone know the part number for this IAC filter? I saw online that some engines have the filter in the throttle body, when did Mercruiser change the location?
Hey aero, have you tried marine Go to that site and click mercruiser and then enter in your engine serial number, will give you diagrams to find your exact mart numbers to re order. Those filters don’t look so glorious
@rasbury , when you get a chance pull off your flame arrestor and see if there’s a filter in the side of the throttle body. They changed the location after a certain year I think.
yep on my 2006 350 MPI's it's right under the flame arrestor. I was pulling it annually to clean it and never noticed the IAC muffler and as Ian said this educational forum showed me where it was. Pretty nasty when I found them, replaced with new. It is good to keep the arrestors clean anyway
yep on my 2006 350 MPI's it's right under the flame arrestor. I was pulling it annually to clean it and never noticed the IAC muffler and as Ian said this educational forum showed me where it was. Pretty nasty when I found them, replaced with new. It is good to keep the arrestors clean anyway
You can't pass a vessel safety check if they aren't clean. I believe it's a ticket-able offence if the CG finds that when you are boarded.
yep on my 2006 350 MPI's it's right under the flame arrestor. I was pulling it annually to clean it and never noticed the IAC muffler and as Ian said this educational forum showed me where it was. Pretty nasty when I found them, replaced with new. It is good to keep the arrestors clean anyway
You can't pass a vessel safety check if they aren't clean. I believe it's a ticket-able offence if the CG finds that when you are boarded.
Absolutely, thats why I started cleaning annually. First safety check with this boat I passed, but just a little dirt on the fingers, learned then to keep em clean! Even did the genny every few years but of course USCG doesnt check that.
Wow- i will definitely pull the arrestor and get one ordered...and clean the arrestor at the same time. The y tube describes how my motor is running, assumed just from sitting but have run it a bit so good call there @aero3113 thanks.
Somehow I wish we could put together a comprehensive list of dyi stuff most of us can do eliminating the minor stuff from the equation. A checklist we can do each season. I try to mentally do stuff but I know I have best intentions but...
I keep a list in my Office “notes” that is on PC, iPad and iPhone. Each item as a hyphen put in front when done, end of year they all get removed. VVM users can make lists on it too that I haven’t looked at yet.
Yea I keep an excel sheet with what gets done each year, General annual maintenance on one tab by year and then a tab for each year with the project list and budget. Almost done closing on selling my 342 and it’s been a great tool for the buyer to know what has been done and what he needs to do each fall and spring.
On my 2008 350 MAG the IAC (silver part) can be seen on port side of engine underneath the flame arrestor cover. The IAC filter is just behind the black part attached to it on the left side (just to the right of the IAC label).
2nd photo is end view (from front of engine) looking at filter, similar view to @aero3113's well focused picture at top of this thread.
Yea I cleaned mine with warm water and joy or Ajax liquid dish soap, used an old tooth brush to lightly scrub, then let dry a few days. Blow the arrestor out with the compressor first
Go Steelers!!!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
2nd photo is end view (from front of engine) looking at filter, similar view to @aero3113's well focused picture at top of this thread.