Waiting for sea tow...

Well...left the marina something made a noise and starting filling with water...my auto bielge did not kick on..started to over heat so shut down and opened the hatch...scary! No water coming in with engine stopped so must be the return hose somewhere...don't want to risk anything on the water...thankfully have sea tow....
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Did not leak when I shut the motor down...so has to be water trying to exit the motor not coming in? Did not see any leak from any top side hoses...I have a thru Hull and a foot pick up for raw...and it did start to over heat...hmmmm.....also breaker keeps tripping on the winless which has hardly been used...I replaced the main breaker at the helm as a contact on the back had broken off- po may never even used it and I've only used it a few times...this is a new problem too...
Im glad i pulled my motor when i did, i found my transom to power steering cooler water hose is super squishy, she doesnt have much life left in her and it's near impossible to reach with the motor out.
I now only run solid bronze fittings in the drains of the block/manifolds. Wish i could find them in zink locally and toss every few seasons.(im in fresh water) harder to get drain but i only pull them once a year although with this super warm weather id have been at the lake over xmas break had my boat not be currently disassembled.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
So a single screw 7.3 would be right on part with a dual screw 5.7 powered boat since the extra outdrive adds another 250 plus lbs.
I still think there are better/lighter diesels but finding a power stroke mechanic is easier than finding a vw, mercedes or yanmar diesel tech. Parts (even oem) are much cheaper.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
So the boat was taking on water just sitting. I did all sorts of tests...I trailer so at home I filled the bilge- zip. Ran it on the muffs, zip.
Having recently pulled the motor and re sealed the transom I just could not believe that was the leak. I have a large drywall square I was able to see the transom was as flat as pee on a plate. When I sealed the new gasket I put way to much sealer and it squished out around the asy looking like a bad tub caulking which looks like crap, but no way it is leaking.
So, was down to either the transom asy has a crack in it or the y pipe seal was not good or a cracked y pipe. Could not see anything with an inspection camera. So, figured I would pull the exhaust tubes off so I could fill the y pipe with water and see if it leaked and get a look at the rubber boots too..when I started to remove the starboard side, the clamps on the bottom of the lower boot were only hand tight- was not 100% that was the problem and did fill the y pipe with no leak. Put it all back together and launched it on Friday to a dry bilge. So once again the obvious has bit me in the a$$ again.
..in to my dang anchor...new thread!