I’m in, but.....

I got dropped in today around 9 am. Low tide was at 11 am. I went out for a run and everything was perfect until I got back to the slip! First line up to the slip was perfect and slowly started backing in. As soon as I got to the front of my slip the boat stopped! Too shallow!! I was able to raise the drives and pull forward then got stuck again in the middle of my marina! This seemed like an extremely low tide for some reason. I was idling for a short period and both engine temperatures started to rise and got an alarm. I shut them down and waited a while. A little while later I started her back up port engine temp was fine and stayed cool, starboard started to overheat again. I waited a while for the tide to rise and was able to get her in the slip. I ran both engines again, I pulled the top drain plug off of the pump on starboard and no suction, I pulled the top plug off of the port pump and there was a good amount of suction. I think sand got sucked in and something jammed up the starboard impeller and spun it on its shaft. I have a impeller kit on order. I don’t have any valves to block off the water so will have to get some wooden dowels to plug up the line when the pump is off. If anyone has changed a pump in the water and have any tips, please let me know!
I pushed her up to 5K and was just over 40 MPH, I didn’t want to push any more but was curious!

I pushed her up to 5K and was just over 40 MPH, I didn’t want to push any more but was curious!
It was fun while it lasted!!!!

2008 330EC
You should keep a replacement on board. If I had one onboard already I could have saved the time waiting for a tow. From break down to getting back to the dock was about 3 hours cause the wait was so long. Would have been nice to fix it in 30 min and continue my boating day.
This should help
That's much more involved than Volvo. I used to wish I had Merc but the more I see I am actually very happy with my Volvo especially since I have found ways to source parts much cheaper.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Go Steelers!!!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!