2 beep warning

Yesterday we were out and everything was good. On our way back in, we slowed down for no wake, I started getting 2 beep warning. Everything looked good. As we were almost back to the slip, it cut off. Now when you try to start, you get a 2 beep warning and it wont start. Any suggestions? Thanks
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2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Check your oil pressure sensor... its usually below the distributor on the block.. it will interrupt any attempt o start or run of it doesn't sense pressure... it kinda shoves onto a pin and has a little boot over it... if it wasn't snug it could easily be jarred loose or off during a bounce.
Next is the crank position sensor.. it can also bounce loose if not snug, but its less likely. It's on starboard side of engine behind crank pulley on the block. You'll see why 'less likely' when you see it...
It could also be the cam position sensor. Also on block behind/under dizzy.
Otherwise, simply check the wires... the coil wires, the battery wires.. a bad connection there (also can be jarred loose especially if not good to begin with) will allow small draws past (beep, radio, lights, bilge blower or pump, ect) but when you demand amps for starting its dead a lead. Shoot.... this may be the first thing I'd check... it needs a good connection to not only start, but to run.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)