Recharge AC on your boat?

Anyone ever recharge the AC system on the boat? I've got this one..
Can't imagine 5k isn't enough for the tiny space downstairs in the 270... the FL heat might have something to do with it, but even when it's only 80 or 82, it still only brings it down to 75 or so inside the cabin, even on the hottest days up north it used to do better than that!
Would love to try and recharge it just once before throwing in the towel and getting a bigger unit.. it's a CLM5KC/1 marine airrr unit.
Or is there something else that could make it blow "cool" but not COLD... ? Air filter is fine.
Can't imagine 5k isn't enough for the tiny space downstairs in the 270... the FL heat might have something to do with it, but even when it's only 80 or 82, it still only brings it down to 75 or so inside the cabin, even on the hottest days up north it used to do better than that!
Would love to try and recharge it just once before throwing in the towel and getting a bigger unit.. it's a CLM5KC/1 marine airrr unit.
Or is there something else that could make it blow "cool" but not COLD... ? Air filter is fine.
Why in the F*&^ is an AC for a boat 1300 bucks?? The 9k unit was only 100 more but it was twice the size and I didn't want to mess with that on the 270... point still stands. I could buy 5 or 6 normal airconditioners compared to this one, why is it SO MUCH more??
Seriously though it's all supply and demand. I am sure these products are usually very specific and they have a limited market to sell them so they need their ROI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express