Are there any places that have transient slips in the Windy City? Might pull my boat to Indiana and boat over to Chicago one weekend this summer. Where would you all recommend?
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
I would recommend DuSable. We were in DuSable for a couple of years. DuSable is closer to Navy Pier, Michigan Ave, and the River Walk. More walk-able to more touristy things than Burnham.
There should be plenty of transient slips this season due to the Covid mess. Lots of people opted out for the season.
You can use Dockwa, but I would call the harbor directly. They are generally nice, and I think you may get a better rate, but not sure. They also might redirect to Dockwa. It's fairly new to our harbor system.
Also, go through the locks and down the Chicago River. Definitely a must-do.
If you have any other questions or need any local info, let me know.
If you are a boater and are just going to be venturing out of the harbors to see the city just be aware of your surroundings and you will be fine.
Unfortunately violence is appearing everywhere.
You are more likely to be a victim of violent crime in places like Indianapolis, Kansas City, or Nashville. We've had the rep ever since Al Capone, but as @skennelly said if you just practice common sense - anywhere you go - you lessen your chances of becoming a victim.
Did I mention the bars?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
also, be aware there are marinas in the Chicago area that have fixed bridges to get under. Make sure yours fits. lol. I had to cancel reservations last year due to that. Water level that high.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Also, looks like effective May 1 Dockwa is the "official" reservation system for Chicago harbors. I'd still call a harbor directly first just to see.
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
"That lock isn't much of a lock though, more of a PITA."
What do you mean? It's like a 5' foot water adjustment between lake and river levels. Agreed it is a pain especially when there's a lot of traffic. Life jackets required by all passengers including animals.
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Go Steelers!!!
Whichever you choose, make sure the ramp will be open (call the harbormaster directly before coming down). For some weird reason, which I still don't know, they shut down the launches last weekend without notice. Quite a few upset folks standing around.
Go Steelers!!!
About the only good thing would be the river. I hate going through during a regular season. Always have to fight water taxis, tour boats, and kayakers. This year - hardly any traffic. Makes that part nice at least, but that's only about 3 hours of your day.