Mayday mayday!

It was a first time for me yesterday. My sister and bf visited our boat yesterday. We headed out for a cruise. Putt putting a few miles out I hear a vessel in distress call...they we taking on water and dead engine. The only info they could provide was the depth of water they were in 100' foot and color of the boat and rough location. They DID NOT HAVE GPS ONBOARD. I was in the area so I headed to that water depth and headed in their general position description.
I found them and was the first boat on the scene. They wanted a tow but I'm not equipped to tow.
I relayed GPS coordinates and stayed by their side and 15 minutes later CG showed up along with 5 other rec vessels.
What's crazy is we passed 6 boats in our initial search all within a few miles or so of the distressed vessel...nobody monitoring channel 16????
When I found them it was an emotional moment for all of us on our boat anyways. It's something I think about every time are out there...but never have I been in a position to start searching and potentially help somebody.
When we left they were tied up to a CG vessel being towed in.
My take away.
1. Monitor channel 16!!!!
2. Have some kind of GPS device onboard.!!!!! We and CG would have found them much quicker.
I found them and was the first boat on the scene. They wanted a tow but I'm not equipped to tow.
I relayed GPS coordinates and stayed by their side and 15 minutes later CG showed up along with 5 other rec vessels.
What's crazy is we passed 6 boats in our initial search all within a few miles or so of the distressed vessel...nobody monitoring channel 16????
When I found them it was an emotional moment for all of us on our boat anyways. It's something I think about every time are out there...but never have I been in a position to start searching and potentially help somebody.
When we left they were tied up to a CG vessel being towed in.
My take away.
1. Monitor channel 16!!!!
2. Have some kind of GPS device onboard.!!!!! We and CG would have found them much quicker.
2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
On our lake there is no one to answer channel 16 except maybe the sailboat club.
Happy there was a successful outcome.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
PC BYC, Holland, MI
In a past life in emergency services and personally having found 2 lost people, it’s a great feeling when you do good. Excellent job.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
I agree with other people's comments that VHF should be required, but alas it's not. Probably one of the cheaper things to buy for a boat. Yeti's are probably more important to some.
And with today's techno wizards, someone should be able to come up with a combo VHF/MMSI radio antenna so you wouldn't need to have a separate GPS input to have MMSI. Just buy a VHF radio, plug in a hybrid antenna and it works.
Again - Good job!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
No? Well, at least they had a radio and a depth sounder.