Covid boating strikes close to home in Clayton, NY

Went up to the boat Monday and heard a rumor that 3 restaurants closed in Clayton (where our boat is kept) due to Covid outbreaks. Didn't quite believe it so checked in the local Watertown Times. Sure enough, article was there. Employees in the 3 restaurants tested positive, so they shut down to sanitize thoroughly. (Later report said 2 employees test positive, the 3rd restaurant closed and cleaned just to be safe). But what really grabbed my attention was that contact tracing identified that a party of boats at Picton Island over the 4th of July was the source of the spread. That's one of the main spots we go, and we were there that day.
Fortunately we were in the deeper water (where we usually go), anchored alone, not even alongside with our daughter and husband who were there, as both our families have been carefully isolating. But we did see, and comment on the free-for-all going on in the shallow water amongst 100 boats or so.
Careful everyone. You know not where it lies!
Fortunately we were in the deeper water (where we usually go), anchored alone, not even alongside with our daughter and husband who were there, as both our families have been carefully isolating. But we did see, and comment on the free-for-all going on in the shallow water amongst 100 boats or so.
Careful everyone. You know not where it lies!
Every time I see a group of 20 or more people I just assume one of them has it. Going to be tough going back in to work soon.
Just one example but there are thousands of others similar.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
some are stupid
some are blo hards
some are smart
some are cautious
some just really have no clue.
lucky for our world n forum
our group as them all
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go pens!!!
Youre also forgetting that my boat sleeps on a trailer in the drive way when not in use. Once the rinker sells the bayliner gets a garage too.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I was at Picton same day....with 2 other SeaRays. We stayed out in the deeper water as well but noticed the same partying you describe.
And that night we ate at O'Briens eating. Luckily they are the one who DIDN"T have the positive tested employee.
All of us are fine, and overall it was a great 9 days on the River.
We stayed 5 days at the boat house of Casa Blanca on Cherry Island; the mansion with gargoyles.
Heard they closed down Potter's and Picton; we were out on Canoe Point sandbar Saturday all day.....had to have been 150-200 boats out there. Other than a few groups, most were maxed out at no more than 2-3 like we were.
I saw a black 342 I wanted to go talk to but the COVID kept me from being that social person I usually tend to be in that environment.
Came back yesterday down to Henderson Harbor; Lady O was angry where she meets the River at Cape Vincent......5-7 footers with the occasional rogue even bigger. Slow and easy always wins!
If it was at Henchens, I'm right across at Lake Ontario Mariner's Marina.
Have been since late 2016 when I purchased my Rinker.
How long have you owned her?