I just bought my 2008 350 Rinker this year. I notice a smell when the toilet is flushed. Does the waste filter come factory standard for my boat or do I need to install a big orange filter?
One thing, was the smell outside or inside? If you noticed a smell inside when flushing then you may have a clogged vent line, or leaky waste line. If you noticed the smell outside then yes a vent filter is a good idea. I hear good things about Big Orange, but I've been making my own out of PVC pipe and aquarium carbon for years and they work awesome for $25. Easy to refill every couple of years for $7. Good luck
There’s a chance that you might have a sealed filter already installed. If you do, you can easily cut it open and make a screw on end cap then fill it with new carbon whenever needed.
One thing, was the smell outside or inside? If you noticed a smell inside when flushing then you may have a clogged vent line, or leaky waste line. If you noticed the smell outside then yes a vent filter is a good idea. I hear good things about Big Orange, but I've been making my own out of PVC pipe and aquarium carbon for years and they work awesome for $25. Easy to refill every couple of years for $7. Good luck
Mattie: it’s your nice clean bilge that looks cool, not the orange filter lol
Miami: I’ve been using the aquarium charcoal for water filters for years and it takes the smell right out. I try to change every other year but the new owner of my 342 is now on 3 years with the same carbon and zero smell. Works fine, a lot of diy vent filters use the water carbon and all good.
Mattie: it’s your nice clean bilge that looks cool, not the orange filter lol
Miami: I’ve been using the aquarium charcoal for water filters for years and it takes the smell right out. I try to change every other year but the new owner of my 342 is now on 3 years with the same carbon and zero smell. Works fine, a lot of diy vent filters use the water carbon and all good.
Three years with zero smell is amazing for any charcoal. You may be using carbon meant for air as it's cheaper and some of the inexpensive aquarium products use it instead of the more expensive stuff. Technically, it's not as efficient and should clog sooner.
After you install the big orange filter. Do you have to do anything before you do your waste pump out. I read somewhere that you have to be careful not to have suction in your waste tank when it is pumped out.
Check your current venting. Might be plugged up with spiders.
Some threads on here on building your own waste tank vent filter as well.
I hear good things about Big Orange, but I've been making my own out of PVC pipe and aquarium carbon for years and they work awesome for $25. Easy to refill every couple of years for $7.
Good luck
Miami: I’ve been using the aquarium charcoal for water filters for years and it takes the smell right out. I try to change every other year but the new owner of my 342 is now on 3 years with the same carbon and zero smell. Works fine, a lot of diy vent filters use the water carbon and all good.
But, can't argue with three years.
Lots of used BudLight goes thru - fo sho.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)