Used boat purchase

Considering the purchase of 1988 fiesta vee 250. Will be first boat purchase. What do I need to ask? Specific problems I should be looking for? Boat used fresh water approx 400hrs. Any and all comments appreciated.

2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Standard advice for new boaters: take a course in boating safety, and not one of those 10-minute online quizzes. And every spring, get a USCG Vessel Safety Check (optional, but free and definitely a good idea).
What should I be looking for on the outdrive?
I am new at boat ownership. Depending on you all to educate me.
The boat will be kept on a trailer in FL. But will be used in salt water. I understand it will need to be flushed after each use. Anything else I need to do? Or should I forget about using a stern drive in salt water?
Your boat have stern drive?
From what I have read, yes flush after each use, and hose down with fresh water. Replace anodes, as needed.
Try to tighten the lag bolts on the engine mounts. If they free spin you will probably find wet wood on the threads if you screw them out meaning stingers and transom rebuild time.
Not a deal breaker if you have tools, time and about 1500 bucks for materials.
The fuel tank should be inspected for corrosion and pressure tested unless you dont mind installing a new one
Maybe your son in law can give us some tips. Been watching U-tube video's of fishing there.
I'd just run her until the motor goes then add full closed loop once she dies. Chances are wear and tear of age will get to motor long before rust from salt water ever has a chance to. We are talking decades here.
Toss on a new set of oem manifolds and risers if you dont know the service history, hit the water