Senior Moment / angry boater

While running back into my bay with a 20 knot wind at my back riding a 3 foot chop , I was watching for Green Can DU51 as I always do keeping a wide berth around the island. Today I go past the Can and continue toward the island then realize what I'm doing and make a hard turn port in 7 feet of water. Fortunately it was high tide or I would have bottomed out. I've been past there a hundred times and never did that before. Turning 60 this year has not been kind. Then I enter one of my coves in the headwaters of the Bay, slow cruise in and out as I always do and power out. A 19' Regal comes out of the cove and comes along side at cruising speed so I give a friendly wave and he gives me the finger. WTF, I power down as he does and highly agitated informs me I came into the cove too fast creating a big wake causing his boat to bang against his dock. I apologized, and then he leaves full throttle away. By the way I was probably going 15mph at the entrance before powering down after entering the cove. I've never had a problem in this area in 10 years until today, nor have I ever been chased after. Hope my season gets better.
I'm joking, of course. I think the bottom in your area is rocky. Here, it's like chocolate pudding. Running aground is a great way to keep the props clean.
As far as entering the cove. Did you say you entered at 15mph? If so, that is probably a speed of large wake. Either way, don't let it get to you. It might've been a bad day. I was flipped off last Friday by a fisherman. There are areas around here where the fish are biting and hundreds (yes that many) of fishing boats gather in a very tight area. Could be right in the middle of a channel. Well, I actually was approaching the group, on plane, and decided to just go around them all. One fisherman was trawling and was on the edge of the group, I made sure to go in front of his bow to not cross his line. Plenty of space between us (100s of feet). He gave the finger, I just waved.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Must have been one of those people Don Cherry was harping on.
On another note
I feel like Mario Lemieux is using Mr cherry's suit supplier.
Last weekend, there was a fireworks show in Alexandria. From what I saw cruising up there, it was also National Anchor Your Fishing Boat Right in the Dang Channel Day. In one spot, there were at least 10 little boats anchored in a narrow channel. Not at the edges ... mid-channel. Must have been a catfish tournament.
I came off plane, but I'll admit to being irritated about it. A barge or large motor yacht would not have been able to maneuver around them.
Out in open water a saiboat might be able to go around but for those that don't sail, or have not sailed, sometimes it takes 2 or more people to change course. Going forward in rough water to tack a Genoa single handed means leaving a helm that most likely doesn't have auto helm. It also means the person going forward is likely to be attaching a safety rope.
When im 5-6 miles off shore with open ocean on both sides, miles from any channel, and they sail trough my chum slick I do get ****.
Since the big ones have so much windage/limited power I let them pass trough a narrow passage before I do in a motor boat, but id do the same for a small barge. The small channel at the 7 mile bridge Marathonfor example. I try to be the "friendly" boater that we used to see in 1995.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express