Faded Exterior Corian Countertops

aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2022 in General Boating Discussions
My corian countertop up in the cockpit was faded since I bought the boat and always bothered me. It really started to bother me when I placed an empty bottle of trim fluid on it last summer and it leak and made a spot on it! Today I was in the cabin and saw a bottle of olive oil and I had a thought. If the trim fluid did that to the corian I bet I can wipe the olive oil all over to blend it in. Well, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I was done. Looks brand new again! I’ll see how it looks in a few weeks and reapply if needed. It looks exactly the same as the countertop in the head now.

2008 330EC


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