To open vents while marina bound? or keep boat completely closed up?

Hey Guys...well ,270 is back in the Bravo 3 installed after the stumps.Question..wife and I are at a crossroads on this..In the humid weather ,should we open 2 or more vents to the cabin,when we leave the boat in the water for the week???allowing that warm humid air to enter??(what wife wants to do).....or should we put out the moisture grabber buckets..and keep her closed tight as a drum..(The cabin that is)..Wife says mold will start if we do not keep some vents open..I cracked the vent in the head and keep the head door closed tight...mainly...(To keep the peace) I wrong to go this route??,or is wifey correct?.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
This is what we use.
Ironwood Pacific DryWave 1000 Air Dryer | Ideal for RVs, Boats, Cabins | Prevent Moisture and Mold in cool, Damp Environments
I keep the windows closed. Except when I forget and leave them open, and I've never noticed any difference.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
that was really helpful,closed up with damp rid..for me ,based on what you all have shared...Thank you all..Wife will not agree.. with the consensus ... but then again she is always squawking about spiders...(my out).(.I think.).I turn the frig off we are gone during the week..dont see the point...otherwise..There is an algae the marina...pretty heavy..nasty.really...(.I need a clean water marina.!..).this year will be my last year there..unfortunetely..A/C got plugged ,last weekend.during the night.a Really HOT.. night with wife and new black lab...( first night on boat.)only one was brutal..Vents..started blowing hot air..I hope I did not fry it..
Thanks again ,for all your input.