Strange ac operation

I have been experiencing some strange ac issues. When the thermostat engages the system the fan will come on followed by the compressor. It will continue to run and bring down the temp but then all of a sudden the compressor cuts out but the fan continues to run. Then after about five seconds the compressor starts and the system continues until we reach the proper room temp and then everything shuts off. On two occasions the main panel breaker has tripped. The rear air was recently replace and is working good. Any thoughts.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Next is pull the breaker and make sure connections tight. Swap with another equal size breaker if possible, an old breaker can trip before it's rated amperage and do it inconsistently.
After that I'd want to know refrigerant pressures.
1- replace capacitor. Cheap and easy and a bad one will trip breaker.
2- do the barnacle buster clean out of the inside of your raw water lines. I posted pics and video of how I did this on the forum and plenty out there online
3- get some ac condenser cleaner from Home Depot and spray down the air intake on the unit itself. Do it like 5 times to really get it clean.