Anyone have a boat loan broker you like?

Have googled it, starting to think about upgrading for real. Timing isn't right just yet, but I can see a couple empty slips at my marina becoming open on the horizon (6 -12 months from now). Really want that Searay 370 venture for various reasons (mainly the outboards and 2ndly the cockpit layout is just awesome) - figured I should do a little bit of a search for a broker that helps with loans..
Anyone have one?
Anyone have one?
Go Steelers!!!
Edit: Weird, just looked at their current boat loan site and it says: "Open to residents in California, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin only." Must have changed some of their covered territories.
Either of these boats would do, I'm partially leaning towards the white hull as keeping my black hulled boat looking good has been a challenge (and I have a few dock scratches!!)
Just need them to drop another 100k !!!
There are so many reasons why this would be an amazing bachelor pad.. love the fact that the actual cooking station is upstairs, don't really like cooking downstairs.. could put an oven downstairs if really needed. Not having a separate shower is kind of a bummer, but reviews say it is "huge" downstairs... so the outboards become more important than a shower.
If anyone sees one that got swallowed up by IAN, please let us know!!
Honestly it's all about the cabin layout to me. Check it out man. Have never seen anything with wrap around windows and a REAL bedroom with a table up front. They had a winner with this boat, too bad they made less than 100 of them!!