Engine misfires at 4k rpm

This has been our first season with a 2015 Captiva 236CC, 350 Mag with Bravo 3, about 200 hours on the engine. We first noticed a miss in the engine at around 4k rpm. Eventually the alarm would sound continually when the engine would start misfiring, until the throttle was brought back to idle. We installed a VV Mobile to see if we could capture an engine fault. To date, we only captured one notification, Guardian mode (image below).
Seeing the list of fault codes on another thread, there is a limited number of conditions that generates a constant alarm, most of them related to cooling. Is there anything in this notification that tells the fault code? Is the 2011-23 a fault code?

The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
@trimmkm - welcome to the forum! What happens after the alarm stops? Can you get back on plane immediately, or do you need to wait a few minutes?
The alarm has sounded on multiple occasions, but only once did a notification pop up in VVM. Watching oil pressure on VVM, it does not drop when this happens. I have not watched the cooling pressure during these episodes. I'm wondering if the engine misfires enough such that the sea pump pressure drops, triggering the alarm. Is the constant alarm a secondary symptom, not part of the root cause. Thoughts?
Fuel Filters
Even beep codes (audible alarms), why so secretive? I finally got a Rinda to help diagnose my recent issues and it worked out great. I now have 4 different scan tools in my toolbox for diagnosing automotive engines, TPMS systems, automotive transmissions and now marine engines. Next on the list will be a scan tool for my ATV.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
It looks like support only goes to 2012 on this version. You may be better off getting the upgraded tool or get the Diacom software if you have a laptop.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
Your Merc 350 Mag has the ECM 555 module, so it should be compatible.
2019 MTX20 Extreme