Need more lockable/closeable storage on a 270.

Reaching out here today to see if any of you can come up with an idea of how to do this, but with half the effort:

That storage around the top shelf is awesome, but I doubt there's anyone in the keys that could pull that off for any reasonable price. Has anyone found any kind of storage box that fit's in there nicely? Or does anyone have any other kind of idea for that area - right now I just have piles of junk in there and it gets all mixed up as you bounce through the waves...

That storage around the top shelf is awesome, but I doubt there's anyone in the keys that could pull that off for any reasonable price. Has anyone found any kind of storage box that fit's in there nicely? Or does anyone have any other kind of idea for that area - right now I just have piles of junk in there and it gets all mixed up as you bounce through the waves...
Here's the start of a template for the tv area...
So, thinking something like this.. any other thoughts about the TV enclosure??