Buying every non running small outboard LOL
I decided to see if it was worth buying a bunch of not running outboards near me on FB Marketplace and Craigslist. In the last two weeks I have about 14 outboards and I am documenting everything. If you are bored, check it out on Youtube search for “Parts Cannon Garage” which is what I decided to call it. I am an amateur at best so don’t get your hopes up lol.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
If everything goes electric - gonna be like Mad Max out there.
but it is pretty fun, especially because I know very little about small outboards.
Trying a link;
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
so it is really a “hybrid”.
I love your project!
just dropped my newest video, trying my hand at acting in the last two vids, it is completely embarrassing to watch, please comment in the video if you can, apparently that helps the channel for some reason but I don’t know why specifically haha
thank you for all the support, advice and harassment LOL, really appreciate it
Perhaps pictures of effective layouts or links to videos.
So far your videos are showing great promise 😊
To get the biggest bang for the buck, buy some cheap LED photography lights. Light is your friend and shadows are your enemy. Amazon has them starting around $50. They aren't sturdy enough for travel, but would be fine for your needs. Maybe spend a bit extra for a set with battery power so it's easier to move them around as needed.
For anyone you know that have any children with disabilities, each park area has its own "medical center" which includes a nurse, several private rooms and a bathroom you can actually take care of business in. I was very impressed...I have not eaten in the boat house- I'm usually walking with a big ol turkey leg before I get that far in the park!