Member Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭✭✭
I had some comments of what to check on another thread but can't seem to find it or much info on checking my frige...It has power to it but apparently not flowing through it. It has been way down on the list but happy to say the list is getting pretty short! The light does not come on which I guess is a good thing. Someone made mention there is a fuse on the back side of the frige? I pulled it out prior to reading that but did not see anything. I may not use it much but would like to have that option if it's a simple fix. Walk me through checking it? I have a volt meter...
I hadPost edited by Dream_Inn on
Ras I'm having the same issue lol. Does anyone know if the galley fridge in a 2005 270 fiesta runs on shore power only? Or do you need to keep battery switch on while shore power is on?
On my 300 express 2007 both Fridg run on ac or dc.
Thanks Yan....getting ready for vacation and not sure if I will get that far as I have a list of stuff ahead of that for next week but will try...would really like to be able to use it if I want to!
And I assume it should work off the battery or on shore power...have verified I do have power at the shore outlet as I pulled it out and checked for that....does not seem to be going any further however...
There is a stab fuse on back of the fridge and also an inline located behind the battery switch on my 99 270 long story how I found the one behind the switch.
wow, behind the battery switch by the transom? Now I'm in least I know I have power to it, just need to figure out why it does not go through it!
All I've wanted was to just have fun.
If you have no voltage then you are not getting power to the fridge, and have to figure out why.
By the way is your fridge a 120V/12V fridge. I assume you tried running 120V power on it - mine is via a breaker in the panel labelled Fridge. When I turn it on, the control module automatically decides to switch from 12V to 120V.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express