Big Orange Filter - Install Picture

Now that I have figured-out how to mesh my Windows 7 with the forum's software I'm the new annoying picture guy! Because there has been some discussion on the forum lately about the Big Orange Filter (to eliminate) waste tank vent odours I thought I'd post a picture of one installed. From the picture you might be able to see a tab on the front of it. To change the filter charcoal (actually it's a better filter media) you just press the tab and the whole cartridge pulls out. You dump the filter media, change the two sponge retainers and click it back in. You may be able to get more than one year out of the filter media - you'll know LOL - when it needs changing. I think you can have it shipped to the U.S. directly from the supplier in Canada. If you can you guys (U.S.A.) will save about 30% on the exchange rate!
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
@jme097, I just happened to have a re-fill pack available for the "original" style twin canister model so I took a picture of it. You just snap the bottom part of the filter off, dump the used media, re-fill the canister, replace the two sponge gaskets (provided) and snap the cartridge back in. 5-10 minute job. No mess.
BTW this model comes with a tank saver relief valve built-in to help reduce vacuum damage at pump-out time.
There are also different models (smaller) available if t you google the company.
If you can't get a hold of one easily in the U.S. I'm sure the company will ship it to you - as long as they don't have specific "dealer territory" agreements in place with American retailers.
I buy my replacement media directly from them and they ship it to my door. Added bonus for American buyers - you should save about 35% on the currency exchange.
Their contact number in Canada is 1-647-237-1355
I have found their product to be way more effective than some cheaper ones and as I mentioned there is the built-in tank relief valve.
BTW. I replaced the filter media the first year but it didn't have any odor so I think I'll see if it can go two years without replacement - I'm sure if it gets used-up I'll know soon enough - LOL - then it's just a 5+ minute job.
Big Orange
138 Rose Avenue (I'm sure there is a joke in this address somewhere - "smells like a rose" LOL)
Stouffville, Ontario
OMG - I just noticed something when I read the package as I was taking a picture of it - - read the Part Number in the picture TOO FUNNY - Part# BO002.....are you kidding me???? BO - as in body odor - this can't be a coincidence. I have talked with these guys in the past. This has to be an "inside" joke!!! The Admiral had a good laugh too!
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
MT, Happy New Year to you too! LOL!
JME, you can also build your own if you feel up to it. I've built close to a dozen of them over the years (makes the dock smell much better-so I'm told)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
good catch @jme097. I hadn't found that info yet but it looked bigger in the pics LOL. The hose should be referred to as sanitation hose, good types are odor safe.
Shields makes a good quality 5/8" hose called Series 148. There are super anti-permeable hoses available but the range is limited in the 5/8" size.
The Shields Series 148 is rated for sanitation use, anti-odor permeation and vacuum exposure. The vacuum exposure rating is very important as some kid at a pump-out who revs up the vacuum pump can collapse and burst cheaper hoses. I
If you don't have one I respectfully recommend a tank saver relief valve. About $25 and 5 minutes to install with a drill. You drill a hole, about 3" in diameter, in the top of your waste holding tank and pop the valve in. This valve will open if the vacuum is too aggressive.
The Big Orange filter has a special relief valve in it too, but I'm ocd when it comes to the waste tank! LOL
Just to clarify... my 260 EC came with one from the factory. On the Rinker page, all models (of cruisers at least) show the "Big Orange" being included as standard under the "Head" section of the "Standards" page for each boat.
-=Mike G
2014 Rinker 260EC
Thanks guys!!! It's good to be back! I don't know what happened... I got lost in the ether I guess. Didn't do much Interneting all summer, and didn't think about the boards until I started getting the boating itch. I neglected my message boarding on other sites too... Sorry guys.

Hey Michael T... good to see you back here again as well!
I am going to post an "I'm back" post... lol. I typed a long response here, but I don't want to hi-jack this thread. Have a question as well. Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! B: -=Mike G.
2014 Rinker 260EC