Fresh water flush
My tech has advised me to add a fresh water flush to the engine which would allow me to flush fresh water through out. I am in brackish water. The flush kit is below along with a link"-flush-pro-valve/pzz23191.html?gclid=CNLEm6Xa4MgCFUUXHwodGNsHEw"-flush-pro-valve/pzz23191.html?gclid=CNLEm6Xa4MgCFUUXHwodGNsHEw

06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
@Handymans342 @Michael T care to share how one makes their own?
06 Rinker 270
@06R270. Of course I'll share. If you go to the Rinker Photo Gallery and look at the thread Fresh Water Flush. I think yours will be like that with one addition. The one I designed was an in-line flush for the HVAC and Generator systems. Of course both of those have sea cocks that can be closed. So I close the sea ****, open the valve I made and pressurize the HVAC or Generator with either water or antifreeze.
I do not believe your engine raw water has a sea **** so "off the top of my head" here's what I think you could do. Put a ball valve (see my pictures) in line with your raw water supply hose. One end of the ball valve would be connected to the section of hose coming from the river (the fresh water supply side). The other end would be connected to a T filling. So, the first "arm" of the T fitting would be connected to the outlet end of the ball valve you just installed. The other end or second "arm" of the T fitting would be connected to the part of the supply hose you cut that leads to the engine. Last, the third "arm" of the T fitting, the one that points straight up - would lead to a second ball valve. Coming out of the top end of that second ball valve would be a piece of hose with a regular "female"garden hose fitting on it.
Here's what you would do to fresh water flush your engine: Close the ball valve that was installed in line in your original river water supply hose. Open up the ball valve on the upper or third "arm" of the T fitting. Connect a fresh water source to the female garden hose fitting and flush away. When finished you reverse the process - close the ball valve on the upper T arm and open the ball valve that supplies river water to your engine. You're clean and ready to go on your next trip!
Look at my pictures for the second part of the device. All you would need is an extra ball valve "downstream".
This is way easier than it sounds!
Don't be shy to ask all of the questions you want - please. As you may have guessed I don't mind talking boats. LOL. BTW Steve (handyman 342) is a smart guy, he may have done it a different and/or better way!
Keep asking questions - it will save you a lot of money and stress.
@Handyman342 Why use a hose bib? So you connected a washing machine hose to hose bib and then you connect the garden hose to that...Do you have pictures of your system?
When pressurizing, how do you know when its complete? Do you run the engine with the fresh water or just let it run through?
Also DI has a good point, will any of this interfere with the raw water pick up? Even with the seacock open, it will not be as direct. But sounds like you guys have a seacock there already.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
Also DI has a good point, will any of this interfere with the raw water pick up? Even with the seacock open, it will not be as direct. But sounds like you guys have a seacock there already.
06 Rinker 270
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
You flush the engine with fresh water before you winterize? Using earmuffs?
06 Rinker 270
Tech advised me of Salt Away as well.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
Patrick, yes I run up to temperature on ear muffs with fresh water. I don't need to go to temp, I just do it to thoroughly flush for the winter before adding pink in. There are some charts out there with buoy markers that will tell you salinity. I think I have it bookmarked somewhere.
MT, I do agree with salt water. You've gotta remember where we boat. In the Chesapeake, the salinity level is low in the upper part. Actually, 25 miles north of me it is completely fresh water and we go up there a few times a year (where we have our Rinkervous). So I do flush it every now and then :-) I'd probably have a hard time boating continuously in salt water, knowing how tough it is on a boat, but it's better than not doing it all!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
06 Rinker 270
MD, the salinity does change depending on rain and other factors, but is very low in the mid to upper bay compared to ocean levels.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PS, I should have added that the engines themselves have the closed cooling systems but the manifolds do not. So it is the manifolds and related items that the fresh water flush helps.
Affording to this chart, I am 2.6 - 5.0ppt but I have seen other charts that say I am between 5-18ppt. Is it even worth it? I am located at P4 on the map.
06 Rinker 270