@BigWeekend88 Lookin good, little cleaning, little love, I've takin on bigger projects, you will do fine, take your time do it wright, you also said we don't have any boats that old, but we did at one time. You will like it much better than the Capri
its cleaning up nice. Do yourself a really BIG FAVOR. If you dont rebuild the carb, DO NOT DO NOT Do NOT touch the throttle until the float bowl is filled with gas. the first time you go to start it, just crank the engine over for 15 seconds for 3 times. Then go ahead and pump the throttle. Since the boat has been sitting so long, the float bowl is empty as well as the accelerator pump. Pumping the throttle while the carb is empty can and will tear the acc pump. then you have to rebuild the carb anyway. I love the teak wood on that thing. a little scrub brush work and teakoil it will be beutiful
Got the her running this weekend! Replaced the cap, rotor, spark plugs, and belts, new gas. Literally fired up in the first crank and purred like a kitten. (Like she'd been waiting on ME or something??)
Used Captain John's super soap.... First in the power washer, then scrubbed and rinsed. Made a tremendous difference!
With my grandfathers sanding expertise (hes 86 btw) and Captain John's Teak Preserver the wood has come back to life.. went on smooth. I made the mistake of putting it on in the driveway at first under the hot sun.... Product doesn't like that (duh) ... So I did the rest in the garage. Total of 4 coats went on ... Every two hours all day. It looks gorgeous!!!
In between doing the teak I put a nice coat of bottom paint... I went with black because I didn't like the blue that west marine had...and i noticed it looks nasty as it ages.. I think it was a good choice... 3/4 of a gallon..,And already the boat looks closer to "complete"
I stripped the graphics, and am having a local shop wrap the stripe to a dark navy blue, and the white cut graphics will go over the top. (Where it used to say "fiesta vee 250" I decided to cover over with blue vinyl, the same as the stripe, and put the new rinker logo over that.)
**I decided to change the name from "big weekend" because it seems pretentious. (big weekend was after the tom petty song of the same name)... Her name will be One More Weekend, after the Bob Dylan song... as its been the key phrase we keep repeating regarding this project ...:)
She's in the shop now to replace her dry rotted and ripped bellows, impellar, gimbal, trim sending unit, shift cable, and whatever else they find.
She WILL be complete and in the water early to mid MAY .... Final resting place, the Fair haven Yacht Club on little sodus bay, Lake Ontario
My next post will be a picture of her complete and in the slip
Old girl got a face lift today.... Also put the refinished wood on and sanded and painted the outdrive as well... just a few minor finishing touches and SPLASH TIME! (Just One more weekend)
I think the outside looks fantastic and love the Rinker logo on the side. Would like to see the inside. If you cleaned up the inside like the outside then you have yourself a great looking boat. BTW I love the blue color also. Very classy..... Great job.
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Man! I love the new look to the ole girl! That Rinker logo is fantastic as well! I'd be proud to have her rafted up to me any day! Very nice and hopefully you have a great splash day!
Thanks a lot guys... I designed all the logos..hopefully rinker doesn't fine me for a few design tweaks. Thought maybe I could pass her off as a 2016 "throwback" lol
Just a couple finishing touches to the inside now
this boat was equipped with two manual pump sinks that didn't work so well so I went to Home Depot and grabbed a couple faucets and installed an electric camper pump... Now we can wash both hands at once! Lol ... Once I install the new xm stereo and speakers she will be ready ....
@BigWeekend88 .....Just got back from a trip. OH YEAH! You deserve 5 stars for a RINKER RESTORATION. Well done! It's so great to see that beauty restored to better than new. Classic lines - looks sleek just sitting there. Will draw admiring looks wherever she goes!!!!!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
-Got voted in at the Fairhaven Yacht club last week
-Just had my camper back redone (canvas was able to be salvaged.. windows just replaced- saved a BUNDLE)....fits great!
-Steam cleaned all of the upholstry...Mold smell and stains GONE
-Refinished all the Teak
-Set up an appointment with one of my customers to have her completely wrapped (Solid navy blue)...Early April
I cant be the only one chomping at the bit here.... Cheers
I'll send pics this weekend
Do yourself a really BIG FAVOR. If you dont rebuild the carb, DO NOT DO NOT Do NOT touch the throttle until the float bowl is filled with gas. the first time you go to start it, just crank the engine over for 15 seconds for 3 times. Then go ahead and pump the throttle. Since the boat has been sitting so long, the float bowl is empty as well as the accelerator pump. Pumping the throttle while the carb is empty can and will tear the acc pump. then you have to rebuild the carb anyway.
I love the teak wood on that thing. a little scrub brush work and teakoil it will be beutiful
Got the her running this weekend! Replaced the cap, rotor, spark plugs, and belts, new gas. Literally fired up in the first crank and purred like a kitten. (Like she'd been waiting on ME or something??)
Used Captain John's super soap.... First in the power washer, then scrubbed and rinsed. Made a tremendous difference!
With my grandfathers sanding expertise (hes 86 btw) and Captain John's Teak Preserver the wood has come back to life.. went on smooth. I made the mistake of putting it on in the driveway at first under the hot sun.... Product doesn't like that (duh) ... So I did the rest in the garage. Total of 4 coats went on ... Every two hours all day. It looks gorgeous!!!
In between doing the teak I put a nice coat of bottom paint... I went with black because I didn't like the blue that west marine had...and i noticed it looks nasty as it ages.. I think it was a good choice... 3/4 of a gallon..,And already the boat looks closer to "complete"
I stripped the graphics, and am having a local shop wrap the stripe to a dark navy blue, and the white cut graphics will go over the top. (Where it used to say "fiesta vee 250" I decided to cover over with blue vinyl, the same as the stripe, and put the new rinker logo over that.)
**I decided to change the name from "big weekend" because it seems pretentious. (big weekend was after the tom petty song of the same name)... Her name will be One More Weekend, after the Bob Dylan song... as its been the key phrase we keep repeating regarding this project ...:)
She's in the shop now to replace her dry rotted and ripped bellows, impellar, gimbal, trim sending unit, shift cable, and whatever else they find.
She WILL be complete and in the water early to mid MAY
.... Final resting place, the Fair haven Yacht Club on little sodus bay, Lake Ontario
My next post will be a picture of her complete and in the slip
2004 Cruisers Yachts 320 W/6.2L I/B's
Boat Name- Anchor Management, Mayo MD
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Just a couple finishing touches to the inside now
this boat was equipped with two manual pump sinks that didn't work so well so I went to Home Depot and grabbed a couple faucets and installed an electric camper pump... Now we can wash both hands at once! Lol ... Once I install the new xm stereo and speakers she will be ready ....
Inside pics to come!