The True Value Of Boating!

Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
The Admiral just came in as I was typing the Merry Christmas post and was reading it. She said "Holy cow have you  made almost 3000 posts?" I looked and said "wow I guess so." She replied (with a laugh) "And here I thought you had an on-line girlfriend with all the time you spend on this forum."  I said "Baby, with all the time I spend on this forum I don't have time for another woman and anyway, I am a boat owner I don't have enough money for another woman."  So, maybe the true value of boating is that we have neither the time or money to get into too much trouble - unless of course we are in a boating store.


  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,692 mod
    Heck, it's a bit too early to be wishing Merry Christmas on here yet.  That is still 3 days away and you know we'll all be on here another dozen times before then!

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • luckydogluckydog Member Posts: 316 ✭✭✭

    Isn’t that the truth, plus how wants to go thru that again, I couldn’t handle another women yelling and telling me what to do or not to do change that shirt wash the dishes cut the grass wash my car where the money I need the cc went shopping to day look what I bought oh lord help me, Sorry lost myself for a minute

    Plus my wife has earned the right to kick me around

  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm sure that's why my wife likes the boat- she knows where to find me and keeps me from getting to carried away with the boat buck....before it was my bike and before that was a 300Z I rebuilt. It's all toys but does keep us from hanging around the pool hall....
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    My boat cost me my marriage. My Ex said "Its me or the boat" guess who won....LOL BTW I was married 28 years.........
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2015

    @raybo3, brother I can't touch that. I bow down to your boating dedication! You are boatings Jedi Master!

  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    I'm with Ray ... I've 3 divorces only thing I kept was my boats (had 4 at one point) new wife knows I will always take the boats side. She understands and love her for it so much I named our 290 after her. Only boat I've ever named. 
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,692 mod
    Wow, some stories coming out that I've never learned about some long time members.  I know I'm dedicated to boating & luckily my wife of almost 20 years loves it as much.  Even luckier, we bought our first boat together 2 weeks before we figured out she was pregnant with our first we have been able to raise our kids into having the same boating obsession.  (my daughter keeps saying we should go use our boat over the holidays since it's going to be so warm)

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    My ex wanted no part of it. When my kids stated to get into it she would turn them against it........
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
  • TonyWalkerTonyWalker Member Posts: 744 ✭✭✭
    That is simply being destructive.
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes you are. My son won't even talk to me since I moved to Florida 
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,692 mod
    Sorry to hear that Handy.  My father moved to FL and the only time I see him is when we make the trip down.  He has no desire to see his grandchildren.  I think it's been 4 years now (longest I've gone in my life without seeing him).  My kids are missing out as well.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is amazing how the dynamics of families have changed. And maybe they really haven't as maybe we just see things for what they really are as we grow older. My daughter and grand kids are less than 2 miles away but hardly see any of them. Everyone is so I have had two grand children from another daughter we have been raising (9 and 16 now) so we have really had our hands full. I just don't know where the time now, seems like Christmas was a couple of months ago and here we are now. And Dream, my Dad the same way. Never really took any interest in any of the grandchildren much less the great grandchildren but I figure that is his loss. He is a pretty miserable person anyway so I'll take it they are better off without. Life is life, if anyone says there's is prefect or the families you see that you think have it all perfect, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. We can  be thankful for the lives we build for ourselves and our kids and do the best we can. The other family members, well, they make their choices and they have to live with it. I know when I talk to my Dad which I keep in touch at least weekly, all I hear are regrets which he now has to live with.

    So we can certainly go into this weekend being so thankful of what we have, the good fortune we have had this year regardless of the set backs as you don't have to look very far to see someone that is in real trouble with their health or other misfortunes they have fell into.

    Merry Christmas to all my "rinker family", I wish all of you success in the new year what ever that means to you and thank you for everyone for your patience dealing with me and I can't repay all the help I have received off this forum, absolutely could not make this boat work without it!
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    OK I was not going to get into this but I have a 19 year old daughter that I have not spoken to for 3 years because of her mother. I have to log on to facebook under a different name just to see pictures of her. My almost 22 year old son rarely speaks to me also. All because their mother lies and tells them stories about me that are not true. So as you can imagine I HATE my ex. Not to mention $400 a week for child support. My 25 year old son is awesome never a problem with him. I could go on and on about my ex but I  
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    that's exactly what I mean Ray, we all have our crosses to bear don't we? Life is life, all you can do is deal with it sometimes and make best of what you have to work with and go on from there. 99% of "life" is beyond our control.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, live every day well and as a famous author once said "Imagine yourself on your death bed. Would your family and friends be gathered around? What would they be saying/thinking about? ...Now go back to where you are in time and live your life accordingly". Sort of like that old movie A Christmas Carole with Alastir Sim.
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is the first Xmas we have spent alone with no family around. Easier to clean the house I guess LOL. Oh did I mention that I have no counter tops or a kitchen sink till the granite gets here next week but we are still cooking a nice meal. 
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Steve, after the reno we need pictures!....and also of the boat repair and the boat on the lift - you're going to be busy!!!!!
  • bella-vitabella-vita Member Posts: 411 ✭✭✭
    Definitely waiting to see her on the lift. Merry Christmas.
    2002 Rinker FV 342
  • bigal6030bigal6030 Member Posts: 157 ✭✭

    Here I thought the topic was going to be an earth shattering revelation on The True Value of Boating and how one man was saved from his stressful existence and how  his boat saved him by easing him mind and calming his soul, boy was I wrong.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year, you Rinker guys ROCK

    Big Al - 2006 - 270 Express Crusier

    Home port: Hammond Ind.

  • Glassguy54Glassguy54 Member Posts: 588 ✭✭✭
    HA! Life is indeed strange. In Oct 08 I was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer and endured radiation and chemo, a major surgery, 12 more months of chemo, another major surgery due to complications from the first surgery, etc. etc. and after all that I suggested to my wife that maybe we should buy a boat because if not now, when? in light of the cancer and all, and the possibility of a recurrence and also it would be something we could do with the grandkids, so we got a boat.
    Well, my son's second wife and the mother of our 9 yr old & 3 yr old grandsons went rather nuts after the birth of the 3 yr old. My son's daughter from his first marriage lived with them and was entering her teen years and exerting a will of her own which the step-mother could not tolerate (she is a control freak). So she has estranged us from them, we have not spoken to them for 2 years, we are complete strangers to the youngest, and then last year they had the girl arrested because she was caught with some prescription drugs (they drove her to a nervous breakdown) then she was in the hospital psych ward for a month, then they shipped her off to a residential treatment facility. All of this was unknown to us, but we eventually found out from her half brother in California. She could only stay at that particular place for a certain amount of time, then they were going to make her go to a worse place where she would have been thrown in with a rougher criminal element and that's when we got involved. We went to court and were awarded relative placement and she has lived with us for a year now and has a job which she has never been late for or missed a day, gets herself up at 5 am to get ready for school, is buying her own car, will turn 17 this week and plans to go to Iowa State to be a veterinarian. So what accounts for the difference in her behavior? A non judgemental, unconditional loving household as opposed to one where she was constantly under attack by the stepmother evil b**ch. Oh, and she LOVES going boating!
  • TonyWalkerTonyWalker Member Posts: 744 ✭✭✭
    This is a subject me and my admiral have discussed often, the value of boating on young folks.  It teaches them team work and the responsibility of doing things by a book of rules.  It is an activity they value because they can see the importance and value of doing it correctly.  Bravo-----
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2015

    No question this topic took on more life than I originally intended...but, IMO, in a good way.

    I have had boats since I was 11 years old and owned a Rinker of one type or another continuously since 1993.

    Rinkers are good looking, fast and tough.

    Therefore boating has been a constant for most of my life and made me the better for it.

    In 2000 my wife, who I had met when she was 14 and married at 20 was diagnosed with breast cancer. Margot died at home on November 16, 2002 at 7:15 p.m. after a frightful battle with cancer. It was the first snowfall of the winter that year. I remember the tracks in the snow as the hearse drove away and I had to hold onto the front door of our home to resist the urge to run after it.

    A few weeks later, on December 12, 2002  just two days before my 52nd birthday - even before I had paid for Margot's funeral - I was sitting in a doctor's office and being told that I had advanced bone marrow cancer and had less than 6 months to live. At the insistence of friends I got a second opinion. Pretty much the same news except that the second oncologist wanted to try some experimental chemotherapy on me. The first 5 months showed no good results. He said lets give it two more tries. That did it. I have had 18 rounds of chemotherapy since then. I had four rounds this summer and four rounds this fall, the last one this December 9th, five days before my 65th birthday. I get a blood transfusion once a month.

    For six months of the year I boat, for the other six months I think about boating, for 12 months I have the forum.....and then there's the new Admiral.

    Steve, said "Good Grief" ....I'll change that a bit. I have found that there is "Good" and there is "Grief" and there's often d*mn little in between.......but thank goodness for us there's the great healer - boating.

    I'm not as good looking as my Rinker and I'm certainly not as fast but I might just be as tough.

    Happy New Year to all of us!

  • TonyWalkerTonyWalker Member Posts: 744 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2015
    MT:  You are certainly a role model for all of us.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you Tony, I draw my inspiration from all of you on this list. There's life out there and we don't have to look too hard! Just a bit of the right attitude..... and a boat LOL :-)
  • TonyWalkerTonyWalker Member Posts: 744 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2015
    I am now at the age where I am also on the "doctor go around."   They are very good at their trade.  I am far ahead of where I would have been without their skills.  Agreed, we need to go after the brass ring that is out there leading us.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,692 mod
    All touching stories!  Even those I've heard times before.  One thing for sure that we all have in common is loving to boat and making the best we can to enjoy life boating!  This year, I'll be reaching the age(46) my mother was when she passed from brain cancer.  It reminds me to live life to the fullest.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You guys have all been blessed and dont even realize it. There is someone else in charge here and its not AL!!!! LOL
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