Replace Stereo/headunit or update entire system

06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
I believe the head unit is going bad.  I often have trouble getting it to turn on.  But when its on I can play music no problem.  When I added an RCA aux jack to the back of the unit to play through my iPhone, everything went bad.  I could only play music in the cabin and not throughout the boat, it was cutting in and out and eventually everything stopped working. 

I was able to find the same head unit for $70 to see if thats the problem.  My question is should I replace the head unit in hopes that solves all problems.  Then I can add a blue tooth receiver the unit and save a ton of money and not have to upgrade to digital and replace everything.

Or do you think there is a bigger issue and just replace everything.  Having the baddest sound system isnt important to me.

Thank you for any help.
06 Rinker 270


  • DirtythirtyDirtythirty Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    I'm dealing with the same issues. Here are my thoughts. I've looked for a replacement NOS head unit, however, the technology from 2007 till now might as well be 50 years instead of 9. I have a 6 disc changer, that I know I'll never use, my unit doesn't have bluetooth and it doesn't even have a port for my Ipod.  
    I decided to go soup to nuts and go new all around.  Rockford Fosgate PMX2 is a nice head unit, and you can't cant go wrong with "6" new Kicker Marine speakers
    New subwoofer and amps.  I've priced out the parts, and although not cheap, at least I'm updated enough to get by for the next few years.  I'm surprised my boat didn't have an 8 track player, (considering the way electronics become obsolete, so quickly)
  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    Hahaha. Sound system was the first thing I did last summer when I got my new (to me) 280. 2 amps, new sub, new head unit and 8 6.5 speakers and 2 6x9's. Definitely a good investment lol
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    If there is nothing wrong with the existing head unit you can add a bluetooth adapter for cheap from amazon or crutchfield.  They also have RCA ports on back for an RCA aux jack.  No need to replace unless you want an advanced system which I dont care for.  Dont plan on keeping this boat long enough to invest all that.  I already have twofoot-itis.   
    06 Rinker 270
  • partlowrpartlowr Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    edited March 2016

    I Just upgrade everything on mine. I just got a new JVC marine receiver(JVC KD-R85MBS) that has CD, Sirius/XM Satelite ready(have to buy the Sirius tuner seperate $40), it's Bluetooth, Pandora, and MP3 and both Android and iPhone ready. I also got the wired remote with that so I can control the radio from the helm. This receiver also works with the JVC Smart Music smartphone app which also lets me control the radio from my smart phone. It has 6 RCA outputs for running multiple speakers/subs/amps. I also added two 8 inch marine bazooka tubes for nice crisp hard bass, a couple of Amps (800 watt for subs and 400 watts for mids) and four new 6.5's in the cockpit and 2 new 6.5's with LED lights in the cabin. I spent right around $1000 for everything including new wires and power cables. I would suggest going with marine grade stereo equipment as most of the connectors and stuff are less susceptible to corrosion.  If you shop around on Ebay and Amazon you can find some seriously great deals on high quality name brand audio parts.

    Absolutely DO NOT replace yours with the same 10 year old stock unit. For $110 you can get the JVC I mentioned with wired remote and smart phone controller which will be head and shoulders better than the unit you are replacing for $40 more. Technology has changed a lot in the past 10 years spend just a couple more bucks and get all the modern features.

  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    If I replace everything properly it will cost me over $500 for new remotes, head unit and wiring.  That does not include an Amp or speakers if necessary.  To me its worth $70 to try and fix.
    06 Rinker 270
  • partlowrpartlowr Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    edited March 2016
    If I replace everything properly it will cost me over $500 for new remotes, head unit and wiring.  That does not include an Amp or speakers if necessary.  To me its worth $70 to try and fix.
    It's your money and your call but you can replace the head unit alone with the one I bought for $90 and the wired remotes are $30 a piece or you can skip the wired remotes and just use your smart phone from anywhere on your boat. Not sure where your $500 number came from, you can get the remote and head unit for $120. I can tell you I would not dump $70 into and old head unit with no Bluetooth/Pandora/Sirius. If you are just replacing the head unit and remotes there is no need for new wiring unless the wiring is your problem and you can easily test that before you rip it all out.
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    If I get a new head unit it will be digital which means whole system needs to be upgraded as its analog.  New remotes and new wiring.  New remotes for Clarion which will fit where the current ones are now are $130 x2.  New head unit is $200.  Its not so much about the money but the effort and time to replace everything.
    06 Rinker 270
  • DirtythirtyDirtythirty Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭
    sounds like you had your mind made up from the get-go....Hope it all works out for you !!  Sometimes saving a couple $$ is the better way to go. Everything "MARINE" cost lots of $$
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    haha yea I guess your right about that.  I think I was debating more than anything.  Wouldnt be in boating if the $$ scared me.  I love spending it on boating!  

    I was also looking for any help on what the stereo issue may be to help determine if I should even try and fix it.  Sometimes its not even worth the hassle.    
    06 Rinker 270
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    Not worth the hassle sums it up trust me been there done that lol
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    JC you think just update the entire system and don't try to fix?
    06 Rinker 270
  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    I would replace the head unit and be done with it. Your speaker connections are already there. 20 minutes with cutting and splicing and you'll be up and running. You can get a nice Kenwood head unit with bluetooth for like $80 online. 
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    I'm not a guy that needs the loudest stereo but the difference between old and what's out there now worlds apart. You could do a new head unit like the po of mine did or upgrade like I did the sound is night and day in comparison just my 2cents 
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    But when I update the just the head unit I will no longer be able to use my remotes at the helm
    and swim platform which I absolutely love having.  But maybe those aren't all that necessary if I have Bluetooth?  Then my phone is out all the time in heat and water.

    And if the issue is the amp, how in the world do you get to that thing?  I have to shove my face flush with the cabin cieling just to see it!

    Appreciate the input guys.

    @JC290 did you replace everything or just the head unit? 
    06 Rinker 270
  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    What is your main problem? I did away with my remotes and I wouldn't be more happy. I bought a lifeproof case for my iPad mini off amazon for $25 that is water proof and everything else. It spends most of its time sitting on the swim platform so I can change the music and volume without even getting out of the water. I upgraded the head unit and then installed an additional Bluetooth receiver on the deck of the boat towards the stern to increase the range. All for around $100. If you already have an amp connect to the current head unit, the swap should be easy. Swap the RCA cables over and then splice the power, ground and remote wire to the new headunit. Bluetooth is a wonderful feature my friend

    @06Rinker270 I gutted the entire OEM sound system. Removed the head unit, amp, CD changer, satellite receiver and the 4 6.5 inch speakers. Installed new head unit, 2 new amps, 8 6.5 inch speakers and 2 6x9's. new sub. I went to the extreme but I did it my way. 
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    Main problem is when I plugged in the RCA jack into the back of the head unit I could only hear music inside and was VERY soft.  Then all went dead.  Now it comes and goes. Sometimes head unit won't even turn on unless I press against the screen.

    I think you may have convinced me just to put in the updates head unit, that I already have, And just play through Bluetooth on my phone or iPad.  I have a waterproof and floating case for my phone as well. 
    06 Rinker 270
  • partlowrpartlowr Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    jme097 said:
    What is your main problem? I did away with my remotes and I wouldn't be more happy. I bought a lifeproof case for my iPad mini off amazon for $25 that is water proof and everything else. It spends most of its time sitting on the swim platform so I can change the music and volume without even getting out of the water. I upgraded the head unit and then installed an additional Bluetooth receiver on the deck of the boat towards the stern to increase the range. All for around $100. If you already have an amp connect to the current head unit, the swap should be easy. Swap the RCA cables over and then splice the power, ground and remote wire to the new headunit. Bluetooth is a wonderful feature my friend

    @06Rinker270 I gutted the entire OEM sound system. Removed the head unit, amp, CD changer, satellite receiver and the 4 6.5 inch speakers. Installed new head unit, 2 new amps, 8 6.5 inch speakers and 2 6x9's. new sub. I went to the extreme but I did it my way. 
    He posts a question and everyone is telling him to upgrade the unit but it's like he is waiting for someone to tell him just reinstall another one of the crappy outdated OEM units....makes absolutely no sense. For about the same money he can buy a system that is 100% better with Bluetooth, MP3, Sirius, iPhone/Android capable, USB. My new JVC set up came with a remote and unit for about $125 plus there is a JVC app which allows me to control everything from my phone or tablet. If he doesn't want to use his smartphone I know for a fact that Pioneer makes wireless remotes, he could place them all over his boat if he wanted, they cost a little bit more than a wired remote but if he is worried about wiring and his phone sitting out there is his option. Not sure why anyone these days would not want a modern system with Bluetooth, streaming, MP3, USB and all the other features I have mentioned.  
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    Partlowr your a funny man.  You obviously have a hard time seeing so why don't you put your readers on for this one so we are crystal.

    My question was whether or not to update my ENTIRE STEREO SYSTEM or just try to replace the current head unit and ADD A BLUETOOTH ADAPTER.  Talking 20 minutes versus many hours.  As I believe just the head unit is faulty.  It's ok, I'm sure you just figured out what Bluetooth is and think the rest of the world is behind you.  After all you know all.  Happens to my grandmother all the time.  Leave technology to us youngins before someone gets hurt.

    No.  I don't want the crappy JVC system you bought for 80 bucks, my wallet can afford better.  I was more concerned about the time and effort I was going to put into replacing the system when I could put that energy into other projects.  When I do something I do it right no short cuts.  I don't cover it up with stickers when I should have gotten a paint job.  I have never replaced a marine stereo so I was looking for advice.  Maybe someone has experienced this?  I was playing both sides of the fence.

    I have seen some of your unwanted comments on here.  I come here for help from kind and more experienced individuals and not to talk crap.  Do use all a favor and leave that behavior for your backyard buddies and their natty lights.  
    06 Rinker 270
  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    Pat if you're looking for some flexability as far as being able to change the volume and such from the swim platform or deck you could purchase a new head unit but basic and add a bluetooth adapter to it. My head unit has bluetooth built in but it does break up sometimes depending on where you are.
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    Yea that was my plan if just replacing the head unit solved the problem of shorting out or whatever the issue is.  I know LaRea on here did that to his current system and said it works great.  

    Now my thinking is if I just replace the head unit, either with the updated one or the original, and the problem isn't to head unit then I am in the same spot I started.  Appreciate the help and working through this with me.  I should stop over thinking it and just update.  Probably spend more time trying to fix than updating.  Nothing better than music on the hook with a cold one.
    06 Rinker 270
  • partlowrpartlowr Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    edited March 2016
    Partlowr your a funny man.  You obviously have a hard time seeing so why don't you put your readers on for this one so we are crystal.

    My question was whether or not to update my ENTIRE STEREO SYSTEM or just try to replace the current head unit and ADD A BLUETOOTH ADAPTER.  Talking 20 minutes versus many hours.  As I believe just the head unit is faulty.  It's ok, I'm sure you just figured out what Bluetooth is and think the rest of the world is behind you.  After all you know all.  Happens to my grandmother all the time.  Leave technology to us youngins before someone gets hurt.

    No.  I don't want the crappy JVC system you bought for 80 bucks, my wallet can afford better.  I was more concerned about the time and effort I was going to put into replacing the system when I could put that energy into other projects.  When I do something I do it right no short cuts.  I don't cover it up with stickers when I should have gotten a paint job.  I have never replaced a marine stereo so I was looking for advice.  Maybe someone has experienced this?  I was playing both sides of the fence.

    I have seen some of your unwanted comments on here.  I come here for help from kind and more experienced individuals and not to talk crap.  Do use all a favor and leave that behavior for your backyard buddies and their natty lights.  
    Just calling it how I see it, and based on several of the other replies in this thread from other posters it appears they were seeing it the same was as me. My "crappy JVC system is 1000X nicer than whatever 10 year old crapbox system you are running, and if you're such a big bucks baller that you can afford paint over vinyl what do three of your above posts mention money/cost/expense????  Give it a rest man, you obviously take shortcuts and don't do things right or you would not have started this thread and the three other ones you have started on this forum looking for the easy way around issues. I especially like your one about boat loans and new vs used...My boat, paid cash, my 2014 Harley paid cash, my 2014 Mercedes, yep paid cash. Now who is the baller???  If you are such a baller and "do things the right way" why would it  matter if the install took hours vs 20 minutes? I think I figured you out, you are the guy with the boat at the marina that spends weekends on your boat but you never pull it out of your slip because you can't afford the gas....BALLER STATUS!!!!
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Remember its hard to inject tone in a written conversation.
  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    Look man you obviously have some little issues so please just keep your negative comments to yourself.  Moving on.

    Ill update with what worked.  Appreciate the help everyone.
    06 Rinker 270
  • WildboatingWildboating Member Posts: 957 ✭✭✭
    Go with a new unit, NMEA 2000 connectivity and control from your gps..  More importantly, i would at minimum make sure i had usb connectivity for smartphones and media players.  Bluetooth is dangerous in boats, you end up with your phone in your pocket and often times you both end up in the drink!  USB, quality connection plus keeps your devices freshly charged.
    2003 Rinker 342 Fiesta Vee, 350 Mag MPI, Bravo 3 2.20:1 w/ 22p 4 x4 props

  • 06Rinker27006Rinker270 Member Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭
    Great advice wild thank you.  
    06 Rinker 270
  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be tempted to replace the head unit with the same and use a blue tooth adapter only once I confirmed the head unit works. For  $70 you are risking very little and stand a good chance of fixing your issue.

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    While we are talking radio's my antenna is mia, PO took it off the arch, or it got knocked off. anyone have a good replacement idea? Allready tryed the indoor units, not much there. Would like to put it back on arch. Since I don't know what it was, don't know what to replace. 
    Boat Name : 

  • jme097jme097 Member Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    I wouldn't waste time with a NMEA 2K head unit. Better places to spend that kind of money, just my own opinion. How many places do you need to know your coordinates? Your GPS, radio etc
    Boat Name: Knot A Worry
    2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
  • JBam67JBam67 Member Posts: 109 ✭✭
    I just replaced the factory head and remotes with a complete new package. I went with the Fusion AV750 with 2 wired remotes. It was abit of sticker shock but it is a HDMI DVD/CD player, Blue Tooth, 4 zone function, and a mini built in 250 Watt amp. So I figured I was getting more than just the new radio.
  • dropoutdropout Member Posts: 138 ✭✭✭
    I ended replacing the entire system, went with a Kenwood head unit, that has about every option you can think of and two wired Kenwood remotes to replace all the factory installed Sony.
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