Rinker 280 questions

zaverin1zaverin1 Member Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭
edited March 2016 in Generator Discussions
first question 
I didn't try the 110 power yet but noticed that all circuit breakers work on and off except the microwave breaker. It says off and when I try to flick it back to on it never locks in and goes back to off. I don't think that's normal but if I have to replace it where do I get the breaker from it's a 95 280

second question 
hot water tank is located in the aft cabin and like all heaters it has a pressure relief valve.
it has a normal garden hose type screw on fitting. This fitting has nothing going to it.
in my mind it should have a hose going back to the bilge in case it does go off. This way it sprays hot water into the bilge and not inside the cabin ?


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