Horrible start to the season!!!
Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
This is not what you want to see on the first run of the season immediately after launching the boat: Had the boat hauled to my local launch ramp so I could take her for a spin and put her in my slip.... No such luck. After the hauling company put her in the water and drove away, I finished loading my gear. Jumped in the boat, opened the seacock and tried to start her up. She cranked over a bit then slowed and stopped(almost like battery was dead), so I flipped the switch to combine batteries and tried again... She slowly cranked and then heard a grind and a clank? Kind of sounded like when you try to start a car that is already running. Hoping it's just a bad starter, but that clank really has me worried. I called SeaTow and had them tow me around to my slip so the mechanic can take a look at her Monday.
Also noticed a leak from the blue plug on the lower water distribution housing... I'm sure that will need replacement as well (easy $200 for part, doesn't look too hard to change/access). They list 3 part numbers and have to figure out which one I need.... UGH!!!
Also noticed a leak from the blue plug on the lower water distribution housing... I'm sure that will need replacement as well (easy $200 for part, doesn't look too hard to change/access). They list 3 part numbers and have to figure out which one I need.... UGH!!!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Any water in the oil?
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
if they are missing or bad it will happen again.
i had a guy last year loose his star engine due to bad flaps
they will start making a ticking noise.
almost like a valve or spark knock noise.
this means rubber is wore out and now it's metal on metal. Water Seal is also bad at this point. Sometimes they just fall off and make no noise. So it's a good idea to check them
Zaverin- Now I'm not too sure about this, but are flaps ALWAYS used? The previous owner of my boat installed stainless risers/manifolds and performance exhaust.... Does that make a difference? I'm still learning this stuff!!
flaps are located in the y pipe which is cast iron.