Horrible start to the season!!!

diggin2day1diggin2day1 Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
This is not what you want to see on the first run of the season immediately after launching the boat:  Had the boat hauled to my local launch ramp so I could take her for a spin and put her in my slip.... No such luck. After the hauling company put her in the water and drove away, I finished loading my gear. Jumped in the boat, opened the seacock and tried to start her up. She cranked over a bit then slowed and stopped(almost like battery was dead), so I flipped the switch to combine batteries and tried again... She slowly cranked and then heard a grind and a clank? Kind of sounded like when you try to start a car that is already running. Hoping it's just a bad starter, but that clank really has me worried. I called SeaTow and had them tow me around to my slip so the mechanic can take a look at her Monday. 
Also noticed a leak from the blue plug on the lower water distribution housing... I'm sure that will need replacement as well (easy $200 for part, doesn't look too hard to change/access). They list 3 part numbers and have to figure out which one I need.... UGH!!! 


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