Won't pump water
Cableguy Greg
Member Posts: 5,032 ✭✭✭✭✭
I fired up my Merc 6.2MPI yesterday and it isn't pumping water. Going with the obvious, I changed the impeller last night and refired the boat. Still no water. I removed the blue plug on input side of the impeller housing with the muffs attached and I am not getting much water at all. Could I have a blockage between the drive and the impeller housing? Can I back flush to see if I get water coming out of the drive? Any thoughts out there in Rinker land? Thanks in advance!
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
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if no water is being sucked then I would look for a kink or a hole In the Mai. Pickup hose. Could be something obstructing
The good thing I found out so far is that I have the 3 point drain system on the engine. That was new to me...
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Go Steelers!!!
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
When you changed the impeller, was the pump worn? I had this issue last year and the new impeller didn't match well with the grooves in the worn pump and did not have suction. Also, are the muffs on tight (I'm sure it is, but just thinking out loud here).
I guess you could take the hose off the pump and run water thru it to see what comes out of the drive.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
My guess is worn pump housing followed by pickup hose kink or blockage. I would check the pump housing first as its easier than pulling the drive...
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
I had my water line from the drive thru the transom kink out of no where last fall. It was kinked up near where it goes through the transom. I pulled the hose off from the inside and tried to fist a line backwards: nothin. Even put a wet/dry vac on the line: nothin. Burned up my pump too.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
We had a lot of algae and small marine life in the waters where I used to boat. The zebra mussels came in and cleaned the water right up. They need flowing water as they are filter eaters. Once the water was cleaned-up they died off in large numbers leaving us with much cleaner water LOL.
They will coat inlet lines and yes they die for a lack of flowing nutrients but the little buggers have "glued" themselves to the surface and even when dead can be a pita!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
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PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
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Go Steelers!!!