Anchoring next to a nuclear reactor

Interesting random fact: one of my favorite anchoring spots is within sight of the first nuclear power plant to ever produce commercial power in the US.
It's called SM-1 (Stationary, Medium-size reactor, prototype #1). The Army built it in 1955 as an example of a power plant that could be shipped to a remote area and assembled on-site for military needs. SM-1 was primarily a training facility, but it also delivered power to the local grid, which had never been done before.
In this photo, you can see the white smokestack next to the containment dome. It's a tiny facility ... maybe one acre inside a secure area at Fort Belvoir. We anchor there all the time. Actually, I used to work a couple hundred yards from there. Don't worry, I only glow a little bit.

It's called SM-1 (Stationary, Medium-size reactor, prototype #1). The Army built it in 1955 as an example of a power plant that could be shipped to a remote area and assembled on-site for military needs. SM-1 was primarily a training facility, but it also delivered power to the local grid, which had never been done before.
In this photo, you can see the white smokestack next to the containment dome. It's a tiny facility ... maybe one acre inside a secure area at Fort Belvoir. We anchor there all the time. Actually, I used to work a couple hundred yards from there. Don't worry, I only glow a little bit.

BTW: cross the 'line' with your boat and you will get visitors with .50 caliber weapons locked and loaded. I've personally withnessed a boat escorted in by the CG on Lake Michigan from entering the "no-go" zone at the Palisades plant in SW Michigan. Boat searched, family searched. Whole works.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
Harvey Point is a CIA/DoD joint installation in the middle of nowhere Hyde county NC, and on the Albermarle Sound...
I was out on a 37" rig heading towards ocracoke, using golden pond as a launch point for a week of bluefin fishing... there was nobody on the water and it was COLD... we knew we were approaching Harvey Point (been past it many times) but decided to cut the buoy anyway... and were QUICKLY ran down by armed men in a RHI wearing black utility uniforms and escorted to the barrier. there is little known about Harvey Point other than the legends... I actually happen to know exactly what goes on there, but it isn't near so exciting as the legends, so- will leave it be...
if you're ever using the ICW in that area, realize it is STRONGLY defended, and they don't have much of a sense of humor. those RHI's are at the ready with a react team 24/7/365...
I boat past the Beaver Valley nuclear power units in Shippingsport PA on the Ohio River regularly. As far as I know, there is no restricted zone, no warning bouys, no armed boats patrolling, etc. I have stopped right out from the plant in the river and taken pictures with no activity at all from any authorities. The river at that point is not all that wide, so I clearly was not far from the plant or the containment buildings. Here is a link to a google map street view from the bridge that runs right by it. You can see that there isn't really any river facilities for much security to operate from.,-80.4319709,3a,75y,214.68h,87.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa4YTNI1PPKSgNiraA_L8mw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
Civilian run power plants are not generally Nazi like for security measures. They have likely discounted any real threats coming from the river for some reason. It's only military or covert government sites that get antsy when you are in their waters.
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
Go Steelers!!!
The only place near me with restricted water is Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren. They have a range on the Potomac where they occasionally do some spooky R&D stuff.
Go Steelers!!!
But still, it must be nasty having to pump out where you go boating. You guys should write up a Clean Vessel Act grant.
The Clinton station cooling lake is a very popular boating location for many folks - there are quiet a few Rinker owners on this site that boat on Clinton Lake. Their security zone is very clearly marked and they actually installed a "fence" to ensure boaters don't get too close to the water intake and discharge structures.
What's pretty cool about this forum is that when folks talk about boating locations in the Northeast, I can relate to that since I've spent quite a bit of time out East and have been able to do some occasional site seeing. We have a vendor located in Annapolis and I've been out on the Severn river a few times - awesome boating for folks on the east coast for sure!
I took this picture of of the Braidwood Unit 1 reactor vessel being loaded with nuclear fuel - 1987:
This picture was also taken in 1987 during initial core load on Braidwood Unit 1: