DPDT switch for LED lighting

diggin2day1diggin2day1 Member Posts: 1,329 ✭✭✭✭
      I installed 4 ITC tri-color LED cockpit lights(highly recommended by the one and only Michael T) and 6 stainless LED(blue) cup holders. I had them all connected to one switch and was very pleased with the effect. My only problem was that if I just wanted to have the ITC lights on without the cup holders, I couldn't do it without adding another switch to my dash panel. Well I don't have room for another switch... And that's where the DPDT switch came to mind. It acts the same as the NAV/ANCHOR switch does... When toggled to ANCHOR, just the anchor light illuminates. When toggled to NAV, both the anchor lights AND the navigation lights illuminate.
     So now I have one switch controlling the ITCs AND the cupholders. When the switch is toggled down, just the ITC lights illuminate(toggle them off/on to change red/white/blue)... When the switch is toggled up, BOTH the ITC and cup holders are illuminated. 
Here is the wiring diagram for the DPDT switch(I changed where it said NAV/ANCHOR to ITC/Cup Holders):



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