@Cableguy Greg yea just learned that this morning from ITC. I can't tell if I have the blue lights or the white lights. I'll see what yours looks like and judge if it's the same.
Having issues with my anchor light. The lighted worked but I noticed the connectors have all corroded so I pulled them apart and used heat shrink connectors. I connected red to grey and black to black. Now I have no light. Did I do something wrong?
It is an LED bulb and although I am not sure which is the correct way, I have tried both as I have had that issue when I switched to LED.
My main failure here, when everything corroded I was in a hurry and pulled apart and put electrical tape over it until I could attend to the issue, failing to note the correct orientation.
If it doesn’t light, just switch the two wires and see if that works... it won’t hurt anything. I have found that the colors of wires in the “boat world” mean nothing in relation to polarity.
06 Rinker 270
Go Steelers!!!
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
My main failure here, when everything corroded I was in a hurry and pulled apart and put electrical tape over it until I could attend to the issue, failing to note the correct orientation.
I have red to grey, black to black. Correct?
06 Rinker 270
Silly question, but having heat shrink rather than insulated connectors shouldn't make a difference correct?
06 Rinker 270