Why does a Caddy cost more than a Chevy? There are many reasons. One is perception. Many people feel SeaRay is a much better boat than it really is so because they think its better they spend more money for it. Another reason is supply and demand. Fact is there are more SeaRay's out there so it get more publicity. Maybe the biggest reason is that SeaRay (and others) can get their price and take advantage of the boating market. Seems they would rather sell one boat over priced than 2 for less and sell on quantity...... Just say'n.....
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Why does a Caddy cost more than a Chevy? There are many reasons. One is perception. Many people feel SeaRay is a much better boat than it really is so because they think its better they spend more money for it. Another reason is supply and demand. Fact is there are more SeaRay's out there so it get more publicity. Maybe the biggest reason is that SeaRay (and others) can get their price and take advantage of the boating market. Seems they would rather sell one boat over priced than 2 for less and sell on quantity...... Just say'n.....
I'd much rather have my Rinker but I can say without any hesitation that there is a lot of improved fit and finish stuff that's better on my buddies Sea Rays than my Rinker. Things like the way the wiring was laid out, bundled, labeled, etc. Seat base and cushion designs that don't let water in every storage area, and the seat cushion material, etc. The thought and fit and finish of the engine room area. It's a lot of little stuff that I wish mine was better at but not anything that drives that kind of price difference.
Right - there certainly are differences. But in the places where it counts the most (hull, mechanical systems, design and features) Rinker's quality is on par with anybody.
Every time I do a comparison, it ends up something like this: for the price of a Sea Ray, you could get a Rinker plus lifetime slip, fuel and maintenance. Or, you could get a Rinker that is 3 feet longer and has a lot more amenities. Go figure.
...and I could not stand-up in the cabins of my friends' Sea Rays, Formulas, Cruisers, Chaparrals etc. that were TWICE the price of my Rinkers plus - what really stung them - my Rinkers were faster while using less fuel!!!!! BAM!
All boats are flawed in one way or another. Sure some of the other boats are more "plush" but Rinker does not take a back seat to anyone where it really counts as LaRea points out (hull, mechanical systems, design and features). Value wise Rinker can not be beat and thats the bottom line...... BTW Rinker is also one of the best looking boats on the H2O....
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
2005 Rinker 342 NADA average retail: $62K MSRP in 2005: around $125K, adjusted for inflation is $154K Rinker has retained 40% of its value
2005 Sea Ray 340 NADA average retail: $80K MSRP in 2005: around $200K, adjusted for inflation is $246K Sea Ray has retained only 32% of its value
(I guessed at the MSRPs. But even if I guessed wrong, my point is: a Rinker won't depreciate any faster than a Sea Ray. Also, in this example, the Sea Ray owner spent $166K on depreciation, while the Rinker owner only spent $92K.)
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Every time I do a comparison, it ends up something like this: for the price of a Sea Ray, you could get a Rinker plus lifetime slip, fuel and maintenance. Or, you could get a Rinker that is 3 feet longer and has a lot more amenities. Go figure.
2005 Rinker 342
NADA average retail: $62K
MSRP in 2005: around $125K, adjusted for inflation is $154K
Rinker has retained 40% of its value
2005 Sea Ray 340
NADA average retail: $80K
MSRP in 2005: around $200K, adjusted for inflation is $246K
Sea Ray has retained only 32% of its value
(I guessed at the MSRPs. But even if I guessed wrong, my point is: a Rinker won't depreciate any faster than a Sea Ray. Also, in this example, the Sea Ray owner spent $166K on depreciation, while the Rinker owner only spent $92K.)
@69fastback - the QX 26 sells for around $60K.
.@LaRea, agreed
...and this is another big one.
Even if that Sea Ray owner had the cash to pay the price difference at point of sale, that's money tied-up that could be earning investment income.
However, if that money had to be borrowed - then the owner is losing investment income and worse yet is paying interest to service borrowed money.
It is often necessary to borrow money but if one can get a similar product for less money then the deal makes more financial sense.
Rinkers pay their owners back in MANY ways! Rinkers=smart investments, imo.