New Boater Seeking Equipment Operations Dos and Dont's



  • HamdogHamdog Member Posts: 247 ✭✭
    One thing I will point out is the refrigerators are dual power and they switch from AC to DC power automatically. They are hard wired to the house batteries. You cannot turn them off using the panel. You have to turn them off with the temperature control knob inside the frig. Just turn it all the way down until it clicks. The bilge heater switch on the panel is where my icemaker switch is which activates the plug that you found. My icemaker is plugged in there. Do you have an icemaker? Ours is great. Dockmates always borrowing ice as even most bigger boats like 38's don't have them.
    "Wetted" Bliss 2005 Rinker 342 - Black Hull - Twin Mercruiser 350 Mags - BIII's
  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Your boat being in the water,will be warmer because of thermal heat in the water. Than on a trailer or on a lift in the air would be colder. 
    Boat Name : 

  • Autodog61Autodog61 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    Finally, I now what that rocker switch is for!  Thanks Hamdog!  And, I didn't know the details on the fridge either.  Also, yes, I have an ice maker but its currently not working.  Ok, now more on the drain system on our boats.  The only real discussion I could find on it was in this thread:  

    The Mercruiser service Manual #31 pages 1B-87 through about 104 looks to cover draining.  It shows on Table 1B-88 that the MX 6.2L MPI Horizon Bravo is an air actuated SINGLE point drain.  BTW - I have the blue pump shown on Page 94.  Page 90 shows one drain plug on the top of the heat exchanger?  Here is a photo of the drain actuator on my port engine.  I don't get how pumping up the sytem and pulling a plug on top of the heater exchanger drains the seawater pump and the exhaust risers.  Ah, looking further in the service manual on page 93, I see both a blue and a red plug under the pulleys/under the power steering pump.  So, the plug on the top of the heat exchanger releases pressure to drain faster through the single points on port and starboard sides of engine. Ok, so, the only remaining questions are 1)there is a reference to "close Seacock".  I have brovo 3's and there isn't a water pickup through the hull only through the outdrive, right?  and 2) Does pulling those two plugs, one under power steering unit and the other apparently behid the sawater pump, also drain the exhaust risers? 

    Holy Smokes, don't forget the bilge plug!
  • HamdogHamdog Member Posts: 247 ✭✭
    I can answer number one. You do not have a seacock for the water intake to the engines. Only seacocks on the boat are A/C, Toilet and the generator. No clue on Number 2. Also a little tip on the icemaker. There is an on/off switch on the front near the bottom that is really hard to see. Make sure it is on. Mine worked its way off after 6 years and the guys on the forum nailed the answer. Never knew it was there.
    "Wetted" Bliss 2005 Rinker 342 - Black Hull - Twin Mercruiser 350 Mags - BIII's
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I also have seacocks and sea strainers that must be drained or filled with antifreeze.
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • Autodog61Autodog61 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    Just got back from the boat and took a few more photos.  Here is a better view of the blue plug on the heat exchanger as well as the Drain system.  There is like no room to get down in front of the engines at the drain point below the power steering pump.  Almost as difficult to get to the seawater pump area on the other side too.  Figure there's some trick to access those point, any suggestions? 
    By the way, the plug in under the cockpit bar (see third photo down)  is labelled refrigerator and Ice make.  Both those are unplugged and the bilge heater is plugged into the refrigerator side.  I suspect the ice maker breaker is not turned on which is why that side of the plug in isn't working.  Weird though the breaker panel label is to Bilge heater which apparently controls the refrigerator.  Could be it controls both sides and there is an electrical issue with the ice maker side.  Will trouble shoot that over the weekend,  Also, for those who don't know, the second photo below is for the air pump (mounted on my firewall not on the heat exchanger) that attaches to the brass fitting shown above and on the port side of the heat exchanger to pump air into the seawater cooling hoses for purging/discharging per the manual Page 1B-94. 

    Holy Smokes, don't forget the bilge plug!
  • Autodog61Autodog61 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭

    Thanks Hamdog and Reneechris14.  The surveyor who did the purchase survey for me thought that the ice make wasn't working.  Maybe its that switch you mentioned.  Another to do this weekend. 

    So, we have confirmed the draining points as well (one on each side of each motor - Under Power steering pump -port and at seawater pump-starboard -See mercruiser Manual).  Now if someone could point me to where I get the 1/10 scale person to get down to those to points to even remove the plugs....

    Curious how many Express guys in cold weather areas where boat stays on the water use bilge/space heaters rather that draining systems to make it through winter?  I understand the risk but apparently it worked for me for a 2 week 19-30 degree period night to day.   

    Holy Smokes, don't forget the bilge plug!
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes the plug for frig and ice maker have two breakers.note the wire going in has three wires.power,power, far as finding a small person??? Can lay something over the top of the motors to lay on (with out breaking anything!)don't over tighten the blue caps like me and break stuff.
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My 342 I can get down in front of the motors.but did read they moved the fire wall forward.mines an 2005.
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's about a foot and a half 
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • Autodog61Autodog61 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭

    Ha!  That's amazing room in front.  Note my photo above.  The white wall in the right side is the bulkhead.  I am thinking its what, 10 inches between.  Its a 2002 model. 

    Holy Smokes, don't forget the bilge plug!
  • HamdogHamdog Member Posts: 247 ✭✭
    The two breakers to the plug originally were Ice Maker and Galley Refrigerator. Obviously the PO relabeled the icemaker breaker to the bilge heater because that's where he plugged it in. To check out your Ice Maker, I'd make sure the plug is getting power first by turning on the breaker and testing something else there first. Make sure the water pump is turned on at the panel or you have the hose hooked up for water. Also make sure the "arm" is down inside the unit as that will turn it off if raised. You might be able to tell if its on but I don't recall being able to. I just waited 30 minutes and if no ice or cold, flipped the on/off switch the other way. If I recall correctly in order to find the switch you need to stick your finger into a "channel". You can feel it but can't see it. Good Luck.
    "Wetted" Bliss 2005 Rinker 342 - Black Hull - Twin Mercruiser 350 Mags - BIII's
  • Autodog61Autodog61 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭

    As I have been trying to keep this thread a learning tool for me as well as new 342 owners, I have attached here, a link to the Mercruiser you tube video on draining procedure for the MX 6.2L.  Very helpful for understanding how the optional drain system works.  The bigger problem as I note above is how to access the lower drain plugs on the Seawater pump (Starboard) and other front lower drain (port).

    Holy Smokes, don't forget the bilge plug!
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