Bottom paint question

So.....I was off today and took a ride to my marina to visit my shrink wrapped "new to me" 2006 Rinker 270 FV. Was looking ahead to the eventual bottom painting project in a few months. The boat has black ablative paint on it and it looks to be in pretty nice shape. I can see the prior blue color barely coming through in a couple small areas at the water line but otherwise it's all black. Another boater at the marina told me I could just touch up the waterline and be good to go for another season. Not looking forward to the sanding and dust and painting at all. Does everyone paint every year or is a waterline touch up all you need if you painted last year? Never kept a boat in a marina before so all my prior boats were unpainted. This forum has been a huge help to me and I am sure more questions will arise! Thanks in advance.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
What do you guys use to sand the chipping or flaking areas? Do you hand sand or use a sander? If sander, is it orbital?
06 Rinker 270
Old paint is Pettit Copper-Guard but thinking of switching to Hydrocoat. Should I put on a full coat if its a new paint? Or just continue with the copper-guard.
EDIT - Answered my own question by calling Pettit but thought I would share. Joe from Pettit advised me to sand off loose paint, and scuff up the rest of the bottom. Use short nap roller, 3/16 or less, 80 grit, 2 coats of Hydrocoat. 1 gallon will cover 27ft boat with two coats. 4 hours between coats.
06 Rinker 270
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Also does the sander have to be random?
Thanks for the tip @tniggel
06 Rinker 270
Just switched to VC-17 myself from the CSC.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Do not paint the outdrive with an ablative (especially if it contains metal), it automatically voids the warranty, and even if you don't have warranty, there's a reason it automatically voids the warranty. You can actually cause bad corrosion.
We also left a 1" gap between the paint and the drive (where it was bolted to the transom).
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"