I just purchased the Mercury Service Manual for my Bravo 3 drive. I was looking thru and I stumbled across the Mercathode information. I boat in fresh water and I get more than the average amount of corrosion on my drive. I am probably going to replace the electrode because I get the feeling that it has been painted by the PO of the boat. I also stumbled across an interesting statement, "In saltwater, a second MerCathode System blue controller may be added in parallel to increase protection to 400mA." I did the reference electrode test and I recall it being around 650mV in fresh water, which is low, and may be causing some of my corrosion issues. For the test, it gives you acceptable levels for fresh water and "Salt, Polluted, or Mineral Laden water". I have a feeling that the rivers that I boat in, The Allegheny, The Ohio and The Monongahela, are either mildly polluted or full of minerals. I do know that there is minerals in the water. I am wondering if I add a second MerCathode controller, would that give me the added protection that I need or would it be a waste of money.
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
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2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
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even if you trailer your boat, has nothing to do with the mercathode or anodes, if you leave your boat in the water even for a week or a few days damages could happen specially in salt water.
yes, I figure that....I don't see any corrosion on the foot anywhere except right where the lines for the trim go into a manifold of sorts- right there I have a little. There is one other small area on the foot, I guess it is an exhaust area (?) where the paint had come off and I repainted it...right by the hex nuts that hold the lower and upper foot together. I guess I better start to figure this out, where do I start? I need something that would explain it to a 5th grader.....
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@rasbury , you don’t have to worry as much since you trailer your boat. But either way, the mercathode system is good to have.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)