Security Measures on Boat

Kind of hypothetical, but curious as to various methods and schemes anyone uses to keep their Rinker and possessions safe and secure while berthed at a marina. Marina I will be docked at does not have gates or full time overnight security, and as far as I know, no full time live-aboards, although at any given night there is probably somebody staying over. It is in a quiet, somewhat rural area, so not a big hangout area for punks etc, but getting busier as urban sprawl gets closer.
Apart from the usual, not leaving anything you aren't prepared to lose above deck, keeping cabin door locked etc?
Marina does have WiFi, so I'm considering mounting a small wifi security camera somewhere on the deck. Use them at home while on vacation and love being able to check on the house, yard etc.
Have also considered mounting a small electronic safe in an out of site location below decks. Nothing of great value, but maybe spare keys, portable VHF radio back-up, an extra $50 for those times you get caught short, etc.
Anybody else do anything similar?
Apart from the usual, not leaving anything you aren't prepared to lose above deck, keeping cabin door locked etc?
Marina does have WiFi, so I'm considering mounting a small wifi security camera somewhere on the deck. Use them at home while on vacation and love being able to check on the house, yard etc.
Have also considered mounting a small electronic safe in an out of site location below decks. Nothing of great value, but maybe spare keys, portable VHF radio back-up, an extra $50 for those times you get caught short, etc.
Anybody else do anything similar?
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
But in all seriousness, I struggle with the same issues. I used to lock the cabin door and then hide the keys somewhere on the cabin. Then I started locking the doors and hiding the keys in the engine compartment and now I lock the door and take the keys with me. Just personal perference. I have never had a break-in (knock on wood) but you can never be too sure. Better safe than sorry I guess
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Go Steelers!!!
"Some Day" I plan to put a security camera in the back yard so I can stare at my boat in "real time" when I'm at work.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Go Steelers!!!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
rocket launcher and uzi does the trick
ohh and pit bull
I just keep my cabin locked and refrain from leaving valuables out in plain sight in the cockpit when I'm away from the boat. I've never had a problem but my marina has pretty good security.
There are companies that sell security and alarm systems for boats (similar to those on cars). One such company that comes to mind is "Flagship Marine Security", or you can find do-it yourself systems for sale on Amazon. I've never used an alarm system for a boat so I don't know much about them.
Could always get a rabid Beaver and a p.o.'d French Canadian girl to guard it I guess.....
Married one, so I know.....the French Canadian girl that is...
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
And yes, visitors are greeted in a friendly manner, but certainly scrutinized as to their intentions. Worried more about the quiet nights during the week. It's a well known fact around here that most marina's/yacht clubs give most, if not all of the staff Wednesday's off. So that's the day you have to watch...
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I guess I'm lucky that I have more of a "bare bones" boat in my marina, compared to the big boys with huge nav screens, stocked fridges, and expensive fishing equipment/dingies.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
As long as it's insured it's all good for me. Most expensive thing on the boat is the chartplotter and that goes to a locked club locker each time..
PC BYC, Holland, MI
In seven years only problem I have had is the theft of a couple of hose nozzles. I leave my cabin door unlocked. Why? Inside they can steal my portable VHF radio, the beer in the fridge and maybe the TV. The total value of that haul is less than the cost of repairing a busted cabin door.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I have insurance and if someone breaks in well what are they going to take
maybe my beer lol
i lock my cabin door and never leave keys on the boat
thats because I don't want someone getting freaky inside ( you know we all have some friends or marina people that might do that)
and my other friends that like to start my boat and screw around with it at the dock.
in all reality insurance will pay for my electronics
inalways say if someone wants it they will find a way and take it.
just please take the entire boat lol
camera is not a bad idea specially if you have wifi option in the marina
Or maybe even the fake camera with led
always makes people think twice when on camera
here on lsc we cruise up river to mt Clemens
there are always people hanging around and one of them actually asked if I had camera on the boat
i said yes and it's connected to my phone lol
I don't keep valuables on the boat. Well, unless you count one or two nice bottles of single-malt Scotch.
The Price is Right
MacRay Harbor, Harrison Twp., MI
It turns out it had a 4.99 of a possible 500... 499 reviews singing it's praise with comments such as "the phone alerts us before the tv!!" Or "the phone woke us in the night when a storm approached!!!" ... the one single negative review said "tornado wiped us out, phone never made a sound"...
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club