well, found my leak

After am exhausting search I finally found my leak. I'm off for a week while changing jobs (after 21 years!) and have been playing with the boat to find the leak. Seemed it would come and go which is mot the nature of the leak. I would say however, it did get worse making me track it down. Previous thread had all my attempts. Left the boat at the marina and brought down the shop vac and dried it all out. Turned the a/c off, took forever to get the pan drained and at the moment, did not seem to be filling do I checked the pan and surrounding it for any issues and found none. So, back to looking at hoses and bellows. I went ahead and kicked the out drive up and when I did that, pretty obvious it was the bellows- drive down it compressed and did mot leak much, drive up it leaked more....
So, million dollar question on a bravo 3, how much is parts and how much is labor? Something I should attempt myself? How heavy is the out drive? Is it a simple pull back/ remove and install? Can't believe I just said that..
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Hinge pin tool
Puller for gimble
Engine aliment tool
3" pvc pipe to drive seal in
Go Steelers!!!
I would think 1/2 a boat buck.
Go Steelers!!!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
are u just replacing all the rubbers? Shift cable
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Nine boat bucks after 21 years. Ouch... That hurts.
Go Steelers!!!