I have had this 342 for 5 years now ,Boat is 11 yrs ,Still shines from the MCGUIRES wax i use,Any tips out there that maybe i should start fresh and strip existing wax before re-applying ,what product would you recommend ,not looking for any intense product or procedures .
PC BYC, Holland, MI
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
As @aero3113 says why do it - which I agree with if there is no obvious reason to do so and you have been using Meguiars with success. But... IF you decide to try to remove the old wax I would use regular dishwashing soap which will strip the wax pretty fast - used full strength - squirt on soft wash brush scrub then rinse.
That is why I have been told to not use regular dish washing soap between waxings but to use Johnson's "no more tears" as its far gentler.
So - regular dish washing soap, rinse with soft water, dry immediately with soft towels to remove any water (even soft) and avoid mineral water spots that build up - then keep on with the Meguiars (if that worked well in the past). :-)