Harbor Headlines

Crazy 24 hours in our harbor, don't think they are connected...
Body Found In Diversey Harbor
And this...

Body Found In Diversey Harbor
And this...

Usually on a cruise to Waukegan about 35 miles on a decent wave day I'll burn about 1/4 tank of fuel each way....add in some chop and of course it gets worse.
But harbor amenities are different too. Free dock box, no additional fee's for dingies, cable tv hookup at the dock and the area in general are really trying to cater to boaters and make the harbor a focal point.
That's for the season not a month LOL
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
@rasbury - Where are you getting your numbers..LOL 14 grand for 6 months in a slip?
@rasbury, it's $2500 for the season, not per month. The season runs from May 1st to October 15th.
Go Steelers!!!
That includes winter storage out in the open, but not haul out and blocking which is about another $600 and another $600 for shrink wrap if I want it. Winterizing also extra, depending on what you want done. And we're about the least expensive marina on the lake. I have been checking out Florida marina's with an eye towards retirement and find it very appealing dollar wise.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
My 270 is $3500 at a great downtown Chicago harbor that includes parking. $1K heated storage,$300 winterization, I haul it around. I budget $7K+ annually before it gets wet...
Where do you pay $1k for heated storage? I pay $1300 for unheated inside storage up north.
There are some huuuuuge homes on the river. One of the mansions is probably 30,000 square feet. Sadly, in 20+ years, I've never seen a human there.