Partial Winterization

Looks like the temps are going down to 25 in Annapolis Friday with a chance of snow on Sunday. Guess i am heading out to the boat to do at least winterize the fresh water system on Friday. I have an engine compartment heater that i will plug in but it wont help the water lines forward. I am due to be pulled out in a few weeks so I guess this isn't too bad.
It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
Yeah, it's definitely cooling off here. Mine is done and covered. Got plenty of wood stacked up on the patio ready to go!
The water is still plenty warm, so you should be fine for a while.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
Sounds like another issue to troubleshoot in the spring. (yeah, always something with a boat) The A/C or heat should be able to run for weeks without HPF issues. Are you getting clogs in the strainer or something else when it alarms?
As far as the water systems. You can also connect an air compressor to your city water connection (after running water out of tank and draining hot water) and just blow the water out of the lines. I do that before I put pink thru, but for a weekend like what's coming up, so doing that would be sufficient.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express