Water under mattress pad / Port side in V-Birth

Can anyone help? I have water under my mattress in my vbirth where the vinyl meets the carpet on the port side. I believe it is coming from my anchor locker. Water is pooling in the port side corner of my locker. Anyone else ever experience this and what have you done to resolve this? I am most likely going to have to pull the front panel apart to access the locker and 4200 the corners and maybe flex seal the compartment!?!? I was also considering drilling holes in the hull to install drain hoses from windlass compartment to get the water from rain and washing out. That doesn’t solve the issue of water when I anchor in. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
liquorBox - I pray it's the bow rail or starboard nav light. Anchor locker was dry last evening - going back down tonight, will check looseness of bow rail screws.