why does my new 2018 QX26 open bowrider bounce so much? What can I do to solve the problem?
Member Posts: 1 ✭
Our new 2018 Rinker QX26 open bow rider is bouncing all over the lake even at lower speed. It did not come with trim tabs. What can we do?
After you get the boat up on plane, trim the drive up a little at a time until the bow starts bouncing (called porpoising). When that happens, then trim it back down until the porpoising stops.
You should also adjust your weight balance by changing where on the boat you position gear and people. More weight in front will control porpoising. Put the heavy drink cooler all the way up at the bow, not at the stern. You might need to adjust the trim if people move around on the boat, or if sea conditions change.
Great boat! Welcome to the forum.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
and in rough water= i have a ole century arabian=it has to have tabs=it rides like how you describe yours w/o them
a three bladed prop with less rake won't lift the bow as much, while a four bladed prop with a heavy rake will both lift the stern and the bow.
if you trim it out properly you shouldn't porpoise no matter what, but if you are trimming properly and still get too much lift- a prop better suited for your situation may be in order.
remember, the prop is selected by the maker/dealer based on 'general' application and engine combo... the one you get is rarely the precise one you need or that would perform the best in your use.