Oil pressure question

A few years back I had one of my Mercruiser 5.0's replaced with a Jasper based upon the Mechanics recommendation about a better warranty. When I took the boat back he mentioned that Jaspers tend to run higher oil pressure and that was why the gauge was reading close to 80psi when I took the first test drive. Fast forward a few years the pressure reads at or above 80 when I'm at about 3/4 throttle and I don't want to push it further. Is the mechanic full of it or do I need to get a new sending unit/gauge so it doesn't bother me?
It does, however, keep the valve train oiled better, and the cam, except for the back of it on that dizzy drive.
A hole for draining tapped above that gear and a larger sump (more volume of oil) solves this riddle.