re sealing thru hull

rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
So, I have a thru hull with a the one pictured on the left. I think I may have caused the problem....the hose is my raw water, hose comes up, snakes around by the stringer at the fuel tank and then over to a strainer.....when I step down into the bilge, there is nothing really to step on. Since that hose rested on the stringer, I have been stepping on it.
So, I assume there is a block of wood in the hull to support this. The bolts that come through, are they some sort of T bolt or just a bolt with a washer coming through the other side of the block? How do I re seal this?? I guess I really need to see where the water is coming from at the ramp to determine what to fix on this...geesh.

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