The 2019 dewinterizing thread

It's time! What's on your list?
So far:
* Replaced a Lenco trim tab actuator. (Common age-related fail ... water gets in, and the bottom of the actuator pops off from freeze damage.)
* Replaced bow thruster battery. (Overheated while charging on shore power.)
* Replaced inflatable PFDs
Next up:
* Power steering - replace leaking hose
* Outdrive service - clean props, touch up paint and replace anodes
* New bottom paint (got 5 years on Micron CSC)
* Wax and launch!
* Replace blown cabin speakers
So far:
* Replaced a Lenco trim tab actuator. (Common age-related fail ... water gets in, and the bottom of the actuator pops off from freeze damage.)
* Replaced bow thruster battery. (Overheated while charging on shore power.)
* Replaced inflatable PFDs
Next up:
* Power steering - replace leaking hose
* Outdrive service - clean props, touch up paint and replace anodes
* New bottom paint (got 5 years on Micron CSC)
* Wax and launch!
* Replace blown cabin speakers
1: Waiting for the snow to melt and have a beer.
2: Charge batteries and re-install and have a beer.
3. Replace sea water pump and have a beer.
4. Install extended swim platform and have a few beers.
5. Have SeaDek installed, hope installer is female and offer her a beer.
I could keep going, but you know the rest.
2. Replace batteries, house is open circuit, others are old too. Time to change
3. Replace sanitation pipe because after 15 years it's time
4. Change charcoal in in waste tank vent pipe.
5. Go over engine room and tighten all clamps. (Started the other night and many had at least a turn in them)
6. Put VesselView mobile bits and pieces together.
7. Power wash engine bay once the above done
8. Wash and buff all over.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Go Steelers!!!
I had one discharge because the trigger was 3 years old and let go. I ended up switching them both to manual.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
So far:
Clean cabin (teak floor, seal both tables, 303 walls & ceiling)
Change Duckbills (all 4)
Changed Engine Impellers
Changed Genny Impeller
Changed Genny Spark plugs and anode
(& lots of items that I do in the fall, such as Greased anything that could get greased, Wax everything fiberglass - even the shower
Next up:
Grease the lift
Put plug in
Reinstall TV, tables, carpet and of course all the other crap
Check zincs (I think only need to change trim tab ones) - on a lift, don't need changed often
Silicon (4200) around radar bolts and some other areas around cockpit
Reseal (4200) thinning areas of port windows (no removal)
Pretty simple list that is left. Just trying to hold out a little longer if I can....
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2. Wash, buff, wax
3. rent a rug doctor and shampoo interior carpeting...might happen once I'm slipped
4. touchup paint on outdrive
5. replace anodes
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
- Drain and Test Drives
- Re Build Head
- Replace blown fridge fuse
- Change genny plugs, impeller and anode
- Replace house batteries
- Replace trim tab anodes
Projects to do:
- 3 fresh coats of PU on my teak floor and steps (sand and prep done)
- Re fill drives, replace plugs and washers with new
- Flitz polish transom and gelcoat above rub rail
- 3 coats of PoliGlow on hull
- Replace starter batteries
- Replace fuel filters (will do at the dock)
- Install new cockpit table (pics coming soon)
change all oil & filters
serviced bravo 3 = needed a ujoint /cross bearing kit
Mercury-Mercruiser 865496A02
wife .. dog and i ... sat on the swim platform in the dock in the sundrinking all the left over winter/xmas blend beers
it was a good day
tomorrow we start cleaning and making the berths
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
But here's what's on my spring list.
1) Change out waste tank
2) Install new swim platform.
3) Fix hull scratches with Spectrum Gel Coat.
4) Polish entire hull with Poli Glow.
5) Change out sacrificial anodes on drive.
6) Paint drive and mount
I'll carry out that work, probably get some help with the swim platform install. And of course, all the regular stuff, summerize the block, charge up the water systems, get hoses and pumps etc. re-connected.
And then I'll have a beer!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Good thing I love working on the boat!
1) Prime and paint.
2) Clean props.
3) Replace anodes.
4) Don't stand too close when you take the photo!
Now I just need bottom paint.
@LaRea drives look great remember you only bottom paint so it looks good when you splash!! Lol
I held out as long as I could, but I put the plug in and took the cover off yesterday. Went for a short ride (was very windy). Had to drive over to the main dock in the marina for water to run thru the systems. Everything ran and worked well! Gonna be 70 degrees this Friday and Saturday! I know what I'll be doing!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Waxed in the fall, will wax again before launching
Props cleaned and ready to put back on
Replace all zincs
Paint outdrive
Paint transom and waterline
Reconnect and charge batteries
Replace speedo pitot
Fix 12 volt outlet in galley
Change all lights to LED
Add new stern flag
Check all engine hoses, belt, paint small rust spots
Turn on Sirius Subscription for the summer
De-winterize all water systems, AC
Go Steelers!!!