Rinker Rookie

I’m in the process of buying a ‘03 290 Fiesta Vee. I’m new to Rinkers as my previous boat was a ‘87 Sea Ray Sundancer 270.
Just curious as to other boaters preferences, pros and cons or if there is anything specific to Rinkers that first time owners should be aware of. Thanks for any input you have to share.
Just curious as to other boaters preferences, pros and cons or if there is anything specific to Rinkers that first time owners should be aware of. Thanks for any input you have to share.
What you'll discover about Rinkers is that you get more bang for the buck. The only downside I can share is that the standard engines are sometimes a little too light for the boat. Otherwise I think you'll find your 290 to be a nice boat.
Best of luck and feel free to ask questions here.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
what did you do to the 270
sink her lol
i am that cold beer Dave Neighbor that always worked on his boat lol.
The 270s still around. Putting up for sale this week.
It was just time for something a little newer and a little bigger. Dave is also in the process of getting a Rinker of his own. We’re still at Miller. Make sure to come by and have a beer with us!
what is Dave getting a 400 lol
2 kids and no time to play on the water
my brother in law keeps his boat at belle mare
but we are still few years away from getting back into it
Yes 290 is a nice boat just let me know what engine package it has etc
rinkers are built solid
new 290
are single engines now
looks good and has low
get a survey and make sure canvas is in good shape.
only thing missing is a gen but that’s up to you guys.
your boat was a victim. Old
owner didn't treat her right or had a joe mo work on her
twins is the way to go specially on a 10 plus ft beam
nice and clean
Sea Trial set for the 20th out of Beacon Cove.
Never had a generator before so I don’t really know what they do. Do I need one in your opinion?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
you can always buy a portable Honda gen and leave it on the Swimplatform while tucked in for the night if that’s what you want to go.
wheel can be purchased online and it’s not a big deal. Wilson marine I believe took over for hideaway as a Rinker dealer.
Truly appreciate everyone’s input.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
i always religiously got inspected by Aux and one year got boarded by the actual coast guard.
they laughed at me and the sticker. Once they completed the real deal inspection they said now you have a form that will prevent another coast guard safety check during this season.
it’s nice knowing you have all the proper gear but sticker can be given to you by your aux buddy let’s say.
so at the end of the day coast will
board regardless.
I’ve only been boarded once and that was before I even knew about the sticker. Since then, I get it first thing every year and won’t go out until I have it.
And it’s all a ruse? I feel like somebody just told the Easter Bunny isn’t real.
to let coast guard know your vessel has been inspected but Coast guard doesn’t care about the sticker at all.
if you want official inspection go
to a coat guard organized safety inspection.
you can download a pamphlet with all the required safety equipment you need to have on board.
trust me I would schedule a aux boat inspection first thing in the spring but from the time I got boarded I started going to coast guard for inspections
Stodge, I very much appreciate your offer. I’ll be sure to take you up on the offer when it’s time.
Thank you.
Can we talk about gas tanks for a min?
There’s been some conflicting reports whether or not this boat has 1 150 gallon gas tank or 2 75 gallon tanks.
Is having two separate tanks an issue as it pertains to ease and convience? I would think one tank would be preferable when you’re juicing it up, but what do I know?