2006 282 Captiva 8.1 Volvo Penta round 10 pin connector boat electrical to engine electrical system

I've had this connector off/on several times in the process of pulling the engine/replacing it. Despite being careful with it using dielectric grease, etc. one of the smaller pins pulled out when I pulled the connector (male side). I replaced it as best I could straightened the wire attached to the pin and pushed then pin back in the connector but now I don't get any indication of oil pressure/water temp at the dash and the alarms keep going off when I run the engine. I hooked up a mechanical oil pressure gauge and it indicates normal pressure and yes the engine warms up -:). I'm thinking the connector is bad so I used an ohm meter and checked for continuity from the pins to the wires (using a probe) on the other side of the connector. To my surprise all 10 pins had connectivity to at least one of the wires but 2 of the pins had connectivity to 2 wires each. According to my shop manual that isn't right!?. One pin should connect to one wire whether yellow, red, black, etc right? I don't see any way to repair the 10 pin molded plug and according to Volvo it's part of the entire warning harness for $1000. Yikes! How to get around replacing the whole harness just to repair the connector? Thanks for any input!!