HARD TOP vs. BIMINI TOP on Rinker 320EX

Hey All, I used to own a 2012 Rinker 310 Express Cruiser and had the Radar Arch with Bimini Camper Canvas Enclosure. I am looking to get a new 320EX this year and am considering the Hard Top option since the Bimini Camper Canvas was such a pain in the you know what and I'm hearing the Hard Top Aft Enclosure is much easier.
Does anyone have images of how the Aft Enclosure actually attaches to the Hard Top? Is it worth it to get the Hard Top? What are the pros and cons.
Does anyone have images of how the Aft Enclosure actually attaches to the Hard Top? Is it worth it to get the Hard Top? What are the pros and cons.
Hardtop. Your cockpit will stay 15 degrees cooler on hot days. Everyone who comes on my boat always comments on how cool it is compared to canvas. Also, I think the stereo sounds much better. And, of course, no leaks. I leave my carpets in the cockpit all season and they never get wet.
The enclosure curtains attach with tracks, same as your arch.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
If you boat in a climate where summer heat isn't a big issue, there's maybe a little less incentive to get a hardtop. Here in the mid-Atlantic area, it's yuuuge.
U-shaped seats in the back to store the folded canvas and windows without bending the windows too much. The hardtop holds stereo speakers, lights and a fold down 32" TV. I would never own another boat without a hard top. Apples and Oranges...I love wide open boats, but for spending a rainy weekend inside, there is nothing like a hardtop.
But seriously - @Dirtythirty is right. Without all that bracing, it would definitely break off in heavy seas. Even with the bracing, the hardtop still moves a fair amount.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Sorry, rambling a bit but Nice Boat!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
About $10k for a hardtop for a 330/340/360 or 370ex (all the same part).
Nope. Down here, you get that kind of weather for one week in the spring, and one week in the fall. Elsewise, heat rules the boating season. @oscar1 if you live south of the Mason Dixon line, get that hardtop. Your cockpit will be 15-20 degrees cooler. And you won't have to deal with leaking canvas.